Somethings to consider - if you are expecting a post-tribulation rapture -
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted (worthy to escape) all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
Also parable of the ten virgins - 5 wise went in and 5 foolish left out into tribulation. I believe this issue is important because - those who are worthy to escape are the bride which are taken out of The Church because they are pro...perly dressed in white, filled with the Holy Spirit and ready when The groom comes (they are pre-trib). Those who are not ready - although saved, will be left out to be "made ready" through the tribulation- purified by the fiery trial coming upon the earth. They will either give their lives for Christ or if they are alive and remain, they will meet Him in the air when He returns (they are post-trib). So it does matter what you are expecting. If it is the groom - you will be joyfully preparing to be ready for Him at all times to rapture you away - If it is the tribulation than what is your expectation? Forsaken by the groom and left to suffer before the wedding? As Eve was taken out from the body of Adam so will Jesus's bride be taken out from His body (He is the second Adam). During the Great Tribulation Jesus and His bride and all the saints will be celebrating in heaven before they all return with Him. So you see - not all who are in the Church are His bride - though all are saved. Listen to what the Spirit and the bride are saying now to the churches - Come out, separate yourself and be holy - consecrated to Jesus. The last trump is the final call for all believers who were left out and missed the groom who took them by surprise - as a thief in the night. (silent and suddenly).