Doug L (17 Sep 2016)
"Worthy to escape all these things ?"

As it was in the days of Noah - So is it today !
Noah warned the people of his day to repent and get ready for God's judgment upon the earth as the result of ever increasing wickedness - it was a dark place.
Noah preached richeousness before God, taught obedience by his actions which also proved his faith in God.
Those who heard and saw him did not repent and change their ways but continued in their unbelief even mocking Noah and God, whom he served. They preferred wickedness and darkness because their deeds were continually evil and the world was filled with violence. They desired the pleasures of this world to the knowledge of God and His ways.
So is it today - there are those who will listen , repent and get ready because of the signs of our times and those who will not.
God is not like men in that He would lie - His word is The truth.
When judgment comes many will be caught by surprise - not because they didn't know but because they didn't believe God to repent and get ready. Many will perish in their sins and now without hope.
Many Christians will be ashamed because they are not fully clothed before God. They are not ready to meet Him. "We" are to put off the old nature and put on the new. "The Bride" makes herself ready (She is fully clothed in a white robe which is spotless and without a wrinkle, without blame before God) - The five wise virgins were filled with The Spirit - the faithful servant was doing what his master willed. All these are part of God's house but EACH will be rewarded according to their deeds. It is we who must overcome - it is we who must endure to the end. We are "to pray" that we may be counted WORTHY to ESCAPE what is coming upon the earth. It is God who rewards all those who are faithful and who diligently seek and serve Him. It is wise to be ready at this TIME ! He is coming soon and "His Reward" is with Him.