Cal Werner (17 Sep 2016)
"End of Age, Last Pentecost, Reformation Anniversary"


Dear Doves,
The following is edited from a letter from Russell Stendal.
If Passover, according to lunar events was on April 22, 2016......Pentecost would be on Sunday June 12.
If 2016, is a sabbatical year of rest, this October 11 or so (Day of Atonement), will mark the 70th year of Jubilee since the book of  Leviticus was written. (counting every 50 years)
If true, then June 12 was the last Pentecost of the Church Age.  An age that in prophetic typology was signified by two loaves baked with leaven.
If October 2016 begins the Jubilee year, the five hundredth anniversary of the Reformation in October 2017 closes the 70th Jubilee.