Bob Ware (17 Sep 2016)
"25 Consecutive Twin Prime Pairs link: Rosh Hashanah 5777, Obama and the Tribulation"


Twin prime number pairs are prime numbers that are separated by a single composite number. Mathematicians have found no logical sequence in the appearance of these twin prime pairs. I discovered a series of 25 consecutive twin prime pairs that reveal links between Obama and the Tribulation. 25 = 5 x 5. 5 is the number for grace.


The sum of the gematrias for the last two words of Genesis 1:1 (‘and earth’) is 703. 703 is the 37th triangle number. The sum of the uppercase ASCII codes for the two words ‘TWIN PRIME’ is also 703. The sum of the titlecase ASCII codes for the three words ‘Twin Prime Number’ equals the sum of the titlecase ASCII codes for the three words ‘Lord Jesus Christ’ (1544). Each of these two sets of three words have 4, 5 and then 6 letters.


These twin prime pairs are either bracketed by leap years, or a leap year falls between them. 2016 and 5776 are both leap years. Rosh Hashanah 5777 begins at sunset on the 276th day of 2016 (10.2.2016). There were 276 saved in Paul’s shipwreck.


In my tables below I show these 25 consecutive sets of twin prime pairs from the 25th to the 49th. 49 equals: 7 x 7 (or one Jubilee). I have included the center and bracketing values that could be leap years. Thus, we have five columns of numbers.

The center value of the first set or five is 522. 522 is the sum of the ASCII codes for 'Jesus'. The last set begins with 1480. 1480 is the Greek gematria of 'CHRIST'.


The sum of the first 25 prime numbers in column 2 of my table is 24,977. From Israel’s rebirth on 5.14.1948 to 10.1.2016 will be 24,977 days. 10.1.2016 is the last full day of 5776 on the Gregorian calendar because 5777 begins at sunset on 10.2.2016. 5 + 7 + 7 + 6 equals the 25 sets of twin prime pairs in this table. The sum of all 929 chapter numbers in the Old Testament equals the 24,978 days from 5.14.1948 to 10.2.2016.

In the second table in I have shown only the leap years and those exceptions to the Gregorian leap year rule. The sum of the four leap years that fell in the 28th and 29th sets is 2520. There are 2520 days in the seven prophetic years of the Tribulation. 


Obama is officially the 44th President. The center value of the 44th set is 1290. Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize on 10.9.2009. 1260 days later on 3.22.2013 he visited the Church of the Nativity. The sacrifices that had been reinstated were cancelled during his visit. 3.22.2013 plus the additional 1290 days in Daniel 12:11 will be 10.2.2016. That will be Rosh Hashanah 5777.

The 4th row in this set of 25 plus its placeholder totals 3094. The Jewish year 3094 was 666 BC.


The 41st set of twin prime pairs is the 17th in this series of 25 consecutive twin prime pairs. 5760 + 17 equals 5777. It was 5760 inclusive days from the Winter Solstice of the Jewish year 5760 to the fourth blood moon eclipse on 9.28.2015. Row 14 on my 'Prime List' begins with the 14th prime 41. The sum of the first 4 primes in that row is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’ (2368).


The sum of the first values in the 44th and 45th sets is 2588 (1288 + 1300). 2588 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ (1795) and the English gematria for ‘BARACK HUSSEIN OBBAMA’ (793). There were only two centenary leap years that are exceptions to the Gregorian calendar rule that preceded a pair of twin prime numbers since the birth of Christ: 100 and 1300. There was only one of these exceptions that fell between a pair of twin prime numbers since the birth of Christ. It was the year 600. Noah entered the Ark at the age of 600. There are 1294 possible pairs of numbers that will total 2588. 1288 is the seventh inclusive one from 1294.


The sum of the two leaps years that fell in the center of the 47th and 48th rows is 2880. 2880 equals the number of minutes in two days (2 x 1440). 5760 equals: 4 x 1440 or 2 x 2880. The sum of all four leap years that fall in the last three sets is 5844. There are exactly 5844 days in 16 (4 x 4) years. 5844 minus 5760 equals: 84. 84 is the gematria of ‘ENOCH’.


In the last table of this chart I divided the leap years by 4 which yields the number of leap years to that point in time (including the centenary exceptions). The sum of the five leap years that fell in the 33rd to 35th rows is 1077. 1077 is the final gematria for ‘CROSS’. 1077 is the sum of the prime (713) and composite (364) number gematrias for ‘JESUS CHRIST’. 1077 is also the sum of the three values at the center of my ‘Prime List’ and last point of the ‘Prime Cross’ (43 + 153 + 881). The sum of the six leap years in the 33rd to 36th rows is 1332. The gematria of seven Breastplate stones total 2368. The gematria of the remaining five stones is 1332. 1332 equals 2 x 666.


The result for the first value in the 44th row was 322. 322 could be March 22nd of 2013. Again, 3.22.2013 plus the center value in the 44th row (1290 days) will be 10.2.2016. The results for the 44th and 45th rows total 1296. 1296 equals: 36 x 36. The 36th triangle number is 666.


The sum of the results form the 41st to the 46th rows is the Greek gematria for ‘LORD JESUS CHRIST’ (3168).


The result of the first value in the 49th set is 370 (1480 / 4 = 370). It will be 370 days from the fourth blood moon eclipse on 9.28.2015 to 10.2.2016.