Charles Holler (27 Sep 2015)
""Planet X the Sign of the Son of Man with Douglas Elwell""

Planet X the Sign of the Son of Man with Douglas Elwell
Join Kenneth, John and Cathy in the chat room while they discuss the empirical events across the world leading up to World War III, the trickery and deceit of the New World Order, and the bizarre weirdness of the fallen angelic UFO phenomenon as we plunge head first into the forthcoming apocalypse and the Seven Seals of Revelation (chapter 6). Tonight we are blessed to have author Douglas Elwell join us to discuss "Planet X the Sign of the Son of Man" and discuss how this phenomenon documented by the ancient Sumerians and many other cultures is found in our Bible and the role it has played in the past and in the future.
God Bless You - See you there!