TH (7 Sep 2014)

                   WILL  THE  R E A L  JEW  PLEASE  STAND  UP !

           Could the "Replacement" Crowd Have a Case After All ?

Wow !  This is BIG NEWS !  Did anyone hear of this renown geneticist who
recently came out with absolute scientific PROOF that most of the "Jews"
living in Israel today are NOT Abrahamic Jews at all, but in reality KHAZAR
JEWS that CONVERTED to Judaism by order of the Khazar emperor in about
800 AD. And, as it is recognized through out the World, GENETICS DON'T LIE !
In fact they are so indisputable that they are finite in Capital Court Cases. These
"New Jews" then migrated West and became the "Jews" of Europe and the U.S.
and pretty much World-wide and are the people we look upon as "Jews" of today.
This "discovery" has NOT been disputed in the Scientific World either, because it
is undeniable by any means. Do you realize the implications of this? It's  HUGE ! !
Have WE been BLESSING THE WRONG PEOPLE ?  It sure looks that way !
Kinda clears up the mystery of who the "Fake" Jews of Revelation are doesn't it?
Also it has always been tough to get around (reconcile) Gal. 3:29 and what Paul
refers to as "who" is recognized as "being now of the seed of Abraham" and
therefore entitled to GOD'S  COVENANT !  I've always wondered why GOD is
going to only spare a SMALL REMNANT in Prophecy. Sorta makes sense now.
I found out about this by chance when "leap frogging" on U-Tube and came across
a fellow by the name of GARY LARABEE who impressed me as knowledgable and
sincere and a very devout believer. He struck me as a person of some renown, and
does have a Website. ( he was on U-Tube but his site wasn't listed ) I am going to
look into his credibility, but remember, he's just the "messenger" here. Another well
known chap by the name of Texe Marrs has written a book entitled: DNA SCIENCE
and the JEWISH BLOODLINE:, in which he gives all the Scientific Proof of this DNA
discovery. I haven't read it, but I have listened to him on several Talk Radio shows
and what he says is pretty profound. As Scripture states the vail is lifting and all
things will be made known. Is this new discovery part of that Prophecy? It sure
seems so.  It has always bothered me that the behavior of the Jewish folks I've
ever dealt with in business were so Un-CHRIST LIKE. Very, very, few were good to
their word.  This to the point I didn't want to be involved with them on anything.
You know, I came up with my own axiom in dealing with people in my life of what
I call the 15% rule.  Which is to say that 15% of folks DON'T fit their stereo- typical
profile which oddly enough comes close to the DNA finding that only 10% of the
people in Israel are actually of TRUE Jewish Heritage.  Could be the "remnant"
spoken of in Scripture.  I would ask that you look into this yourselves and make up
your own mind.....who are we REALLY blessing when we "Bless Israel"?  And remember,
HE said that ALL would be revealed in the END TIMES !  And here we are !

                           MARANATHA !
