Paul Wilson (7 Sep 2014)
"The 144,000 and Petra"

Since there is no commission given to the 144,000 in the book of revelation and some believe that they take refuge in Petra for the 7 year I wonder if they will help the Jews escaping the wrath of the AC to Jesus?? While it probably will not be till the end of the tribulation that they finally accept him as messiah the 144,000 could use that 3 1/2 years to work at softening their hearts and continually showing them the truth. Perhaps by being “trapped” in Petra with the 144,000 they will have no other choice but to listen to them and hear them.
I understand the belief is they are worldwide evangelists but with a lack of a commission or other info as to what they were to do during the tribulation I don’t see strong support for them being worldwide evangelists. Some say they are raptured to heaven but unlike the church and the two witness’ we do not see a command to them to come up hither and since they are sealed they couldn’t have died in the tribulation and we are not told of any removing of the seal or it’s effects being mitigated (or temporary).