Pastor Bob (28 Sep 2014)
""All Roads Lead to Rome -11""

All Doves:

Today, England and the United States are really owned by Rome.  In this post I will give the short version first and next time the more detailed story and facts.  I have been a student of history from my time in the US Army in West Germany during the late 1950's.  When I transferred to a Christian college in 1965, as a pre-ministry student, I majored in history.  One of my majors in seminary was Church History.  History is an academic orphan discipline in America's schools today.  By that I am saying it isn't a requirement in most Liberal Arts colleges or state universities.  It hasn't been since the early 1970's.

Much of what you know about history isn't true.  High school history is largely a joke as well.  People seem to think history is of little value; however, I would totally disagree.  What I have been sharing in this series of posts is highly relevant to us, in light of the fact, we have an interest in the Bible.  Bible prophecy is simply history being told in advance, thus history is central to a Biblical world view.  Even the word History is [His]tory, about Christ Jesus.  Even that little known fact is indicative of how the world has removed the Lord from our classrooms. 

In this post, I will explain how we lost our freedom, what we think of as freedom is nothing more than an illusion.  In the weeks ahead the nation will come full center to face that fact.  President Obama signed executive orders in the past few months that will make it mandatory for all citizens to be forced to receive vaccines and microchips.  It came in the form of Executive Orders or Presidential Directives.  These are polite terms for "dictatorial power".

The short version of our loss of freedom came with the Treaty of 1871.  During the US Civil War, the north borrowed $40-million from the Vatican and the Confederacy borrowed $20-million from the Vatican.  The sum was paid out in gold to both the North and the South.  The North got delivery of their gold by ship in Philadelphia.  The South got delivery of their gold by ship in New Orleans.

After the Civil War was over, all $60-million of the loaned gold became a debt due for repayment to the Vatican.  The Vatican would accept only gold or land in payment for this debt.  President Lincoln tried to pay off this debt with US paper money, US Treasury Notes to pay back the loan.  Adolf Hitler tried the same thing with the German Deutsch Mark to comply with the Treaty of Versailles following World War I. 

The Pope issued an order to the Vatican spies in the Confederacy under the name of the Knights of the Golden Circle, whom Brigadier-General Albert Pike was a member along with John Wilkes Booth and George Surrat Jr. to assassinate President Lincoln for trying to print his way out of debt instead of paying in land or gold. 

You might not know this fact, but following the assassination of President Lincoln, the US Congress broke of diplomatic relations with the Vatican in 1867.  Not until President Ronald Reagan's inauguration on January 10th, 1984 announced that full diplomatic relations between the US and the Vatican had been established and the 1867 law was repealed.  President Ronald Reagan is another enigma that the American people are in the dark about. He is the first president to face the Washington Monument (obelisk) for his inaugural event.  This is highly symbolic and of great significance.

This debt got put off temporarily under President Johnson because Congress did not approve it.  It had to wait until Congressional elections replaced opponents and new members of Congress were bribed into office by the Vatican that Congress and President Ulysses S. Grant signed the 'Generic Act of 1871', which gave the 10-square mile of land that we know as Washington, DC to the Vatican as payment for the entire $60-million in debt from the US Civil War.

There is much much more in this piece of history for which barely handfuls of historians fully know all the details.  But first I would like to take the reader back to my neighboring state Congressman Jame Traficant Jr. of Youngstown, Ohio where he served 7-terms as the Congressman of the northeast Ohio Mahoning Valley.  The bankruptcy of the USA is actually part of the Congressional Record of March 17th, 1993 (Volume 33, page H-1303).  Every citizen should read it and understand its significance.

I would encourage each of you to take the time and search out on the Internet, Congressman James Traficant's famous speech.  I have heard it dozens of times, replayed on the Internet, as well as read the full text of his short speech.  It's widely re-posted many times on the Internet.  I wrote him several times when he was in federal prison. You can't begin to understand or comprehend how enslaved we are until you study that speech and grasp its significance.  James Traficant violated a House "Secret" of our Congress.  You see, until Congressman Traficant read that speech, virtually no one in America knew that we were bankrupt.  If you thought our national debt was our future downfall as a nation, you were far afield of the truth.  James Traficant told the House on the House floor, that we do no longer have a country since we declared bankruptcy.

The members of the Congress are official trustees presiding over the greater reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, in this case the US Government.  While many in 1930 thought they were setting forth a blueprint for our future, there were others who said at the time it was a coroner's report that will lead to our demise.

It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the 'Emergency Banking Act', March 9, 1933, 48 Stat 1, Public Law 89-719, declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent, H.R. 192, 73rd Congress in session  June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution to Suspend the Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of the United States Government Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.

The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers (Rothschild's/Jesuits/Vatican), via the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund.

All US Offices, Officers, and Departments are now operating within a 'defacto' status in name only under 'Emergency War Powers'.  With the Constitutional Republic form of government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy adopted a new form of Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor of America.  This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund.  Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part:  "The US Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States......."

By the 'Act of 1871', the United States of America became the 'UNITED STATES CORPORATION'.  It is the 'UNITE STATES CORPORATION' that owns the US military and everything else that comes under the terms "federal".  This includes the Federal Reserve, the "central bank" of the United States, which is in reality, a private bank owned by controlling stockholders (and the controllers of the US Corporation) that are not even American.  This is the bank from which the 'UNITED STATES CORPORATION' borrow "money" that is repaid with interest by the unknowing American taxpayers.  The Federal Reserve was manipulated into being in December of 1913, when most of the legislators had left Washington, DC for their Christmas vacation with families.  The Federal Reserve dictates the US interest rate that impacts the world as a whole, and not just American citizens.

The 'UNITED STATES CORPORATION' is owned by families and forces in Europe made up of Europe's 'Black Nobility' families and the vested shareholders of the Rothschild-controlled/owned banks - the Vatican - the Jesuits.
Mark Twain once said, "The trouble with people isn't their ignorance - it's the number of things they know that just ain't so."  To control the people it is essential to keep them ignorant.  The best way to keep them ignorant is to give them a degree of knowledge as if it were the whole truth.  Pile upon their minds and thoughts a mass of education but leave out those aspects of reality that would give them a grasp of the whole truth.  We live in a Matrix, of that there is no doubt.  It has been said that the best slave is the one who believes he is free. 

As a pastor, of all that I have learned over my life time has convinced me that virtually all politicians are either psychopaths or sociopaths.  Those that don't qualify are so few in number that they are insignificant in the larger picture of History.  It might have been better over the years if we had voted out of office all incumbents, good or bad, each time election day rolled around.  While congressman James Traficant was no saint, he was brutally honest. The sad thing is that the public has let themselves be so dumbed-down by the system that they could not spot the importance of what he had to say that day on March 17th of 1993.  Americans as whole are gullible by believing in the two-party system, which are merely two flavors of the same ice cream.  Remember the Hegelian Dialectic - "thesis - antithesis - synthesis". 

There is another aspect of this 'National Bankruptcy Act' that affects you but you do not know it.  Registration of birth certificates began in 1915.  All birth certificates issued since 1933 have been used as collateral by the Bureau of Census; with all states adopting the practice by 1933, against the National Debt.  Birth certificates have an ascribed value that is based on the idea that every individual will earn that amount or approximately there about in their working life time and thus be taxable citizens.  Originally, the value of birth certificates were pegged as $600,000, then it was increased to $750,000.  Today, that amount is estimated to be between $1 and $2 million dollars per birth certificate.

Birth and marriage certificates are a form of securities called "warehouse receipts".  The items included on a "warehouse receipts".  The items include a warehouse receipt, as described at section 7-202 of the Uniform Commercial Code, the law which governs commercial paper and transactions, which parallel a birth or marriage certificates are:

    -the location of the warehouse where the goods are stored - (residence)
    -the date of issue of the receipt - ("Date issued")
    -The consecutive number of the receipt - (found on the back or front of the certificate, usually in red numbers)
    -a description of the goods or of the packages containing them - (name, sex, date of birth, etc.)
    -the signature of the warehouseman, which may be made by his authorized agent - (municipal clerk or state's             registrar 's signature)
Birth/marriage certificates now appear to at least qualify as "warehouse receipts" (collateral) under the 'Uniform Commercial Code'.

Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition defines warehouse receipt as:

    "A warehouse receipt, which is considered a document of title, may be a negotiable instrument and is
    often used for financing with inventory as security".

This should not shock you because governmental assignment of a dollar value to the heads of citizens began on July 14, 1862 when President Lincoln offered 6% interest bearing-bonds to states who freed their slaves on a "per head" basis.  This practice of valuating human (cattle?) continues today with our current system of debt-based currency reliant upon a steady stream of fresh new chattels to back it each year.

This fact is instrumental in you understanding President Obama's drive to legalize illegal aliens.  To grant citizenship to 5, 10, 20, or even 30-million illegal aliens is to increase the "credit" borrowing capacity with the Federal Reserve, and to prolong the inevitable.  Ohio Congressman, and Speaker of the House John Boehner last week called for amnesty for all illegal aliens.  The Speaker of the House is a Jesuit-trained Coadjutor of Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio.  Why do you suppose a Republican Speaker of the House would call for amnesty for all illegal aliens?  Could it be they are mostly Roman Catholic from Mexico and other Latin American countries?   

The bottom line of this point that is you and I are human collateral for the National Debt.  The copy of your "birth certificate" given to your parents is considered the short form copy, provided by your delivery physician, hospital.  It does contain the number.  However, your long form "birth certificate" was forwarded to your state of birth.  That difference became "out in the open" with the "birthers" seeking to have President Obama disqualified as a legal natural-born citizen.  Jerome Corsi's book, 'Where's the Birth Certificate?'   Dr. Corsi's book proved that Obama's birth certificate had been "Photoshopped".  Ultimately, all US citizens' birth certificates are shipped to the US Department of Commerce.  Personally, I don't find it very comforting to know that I have been pledged as collateral on the US National Debt.  


Rather than repeating the biography, I have not added anything new since Part 9 and 10. 

God Bless,

Pastor Bob