Pastor Bob (28 Sep 2014)
""All Roads Lead to Rome -9""

All Doves:

One of the interesting aspects of getting a handle on politicians and world leaders is to discover their resume background memberships, their academic credentials, and their membership in associations.  This is often far more revealing than one might realize.  You have probably heard statements to the affect that it doesn't matter who is elected to office, nothing ever seems to change. 

It is particularly true when it comes to individuals that have been educated by Jesuits.  The list below is just a tiny  portion of key politicians, financials, corporate, military, academic, people that were trained by Jesuits.  Here a small list of well known personalities that were educated at Jesuit Colleges and Universities:

    Joseph Goebbels (Head of Nazi Propaganda Ministry) - Trained at a Jesuit College
    Joseph Stalin (Communist Dictator) - Trained by Jesuit monks at Tiflis Seminary
    Fidel Castro (Communist Dictator) - Trained by Jesuits at Colegio Belen
    William Jefferson Clinton (Former US President) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University
    John Boehner (Speaker of the House of Representatives) - Trained by Jesuits at Xavier University
    George Tenet (Former CIA Director) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University
    William Casey (Former CIA Director) - Trained by Jesuits at Fordham University
    Juan Carlos I (King of Spain) - Trained by Jesuits at the Instituto de San Isidro
    Timothy Leary (Leading Proponent of LSD, and CIA agent) - Trained by Jesuits at Holy Cross College
    Denzel Washington (Actor) - Trained by Jesuits at Fordham University
    Patrick Buchanan (Conservative Politician) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University
    John Kerry (Secretary of State) - Trained by Jesuits at Boston College
    Robert Gates (President, Texas A&M University; Former CIA Director; Sec. of Defense) - Trained by Jesuits
            at Georgetown University
    Robert Baer (Former CIA Case Officer) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University)
    King Abdullah II (King of Jordan) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University)
    Jose Barroso (President of the European Commission) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University)
    Alexander Haig (Former Chief of Staff Joint Chiefs of Staff) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University)
    John Gannon (Former Head of the Homeland Security) - Trained by Jesuits at Holy Cross College
    Prescott Bush (Former Co-Director of Union Banking Corp. Father of George H.W. Bush) - Trained by
            Jesuits at Stonyhurst College
    William j. McDonough (Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York) - Trained by Jesuits at
            Holy Cross College
    James E. Burke (Former CEO of Johnson & Johnson) - Trained by Jesuits at Holy Cross College
    Tom Clancy (Writer) - Trained by Jesuits at Loyola College
    Arthur Conan Doyle (Writer) - Trained by Jesuits at Stonyhurst College
    E. Gerald Corrigan (Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York) - Trained by Jesuits at                         Fairfield University and Fordham University
    William Daley (Former US Secretary of Commerce) - Trained by Jesuits at Loyola University
    Rene Descart (French Philosopher) - Trained by Jesuits at the College Royal Henry-Le-Grand at La Fleche
    Michael Foucault (French Philosopher) -Trained by Jesuit at the College Royal Henry-Le-Grand at La Fleche
    David Hume (Scottish Philosopher) - Trained by Jesuits at the College Royal Henry-Le-Grand at La Fleche
    Rudd Lubbers (Former Prime Minister of the Netherlands - Trained by Jesuis at Canisius College
    Peter Lynch (Wall Street Stock Investor) - Trained by Jesuits at Boston College
    Anthony Scalia (Supreme Court Justice) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University
    Bill Murray (Actor/Comedian) - Trained by Jesuits at Loyola Academy
    Alfred Hitchcock (Filmmaker) - Trained by Jesuits at St. Ignatius College
    J. Paul Getty (Philanthropist) - Trained by Jesuits at University of San Francisco
    Vincente Fox (Former President of Mexico)) - Trained by Jesuits at the Universidad Iberoamericana
    Joseph E. Schmitz (Former DoD Inspector-General) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University
    John G. Schmitz (Conservative Politician) - Trained by Jesuits at Marquette University
    Charles de Gaulle (French President) - Trained by Jesuits at College Stanislas
    Peter Pace (Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University
    David Petraeus (Former Commander of US Central Command) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University
    James Jones (Former Supreme Allied Commander of Europe) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown Univeristy
    George Casey Jr. (Former Chief of Staff, US Army) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University
    Mike Stenson (President of Jerry Bruckheimer Films) - Trained by Jesuits at Boston College
    John V. Murphy (President of Oppenheimer Funds) - Trained by Jesuits at Boston College
    Michael Sullivan (Director of the ATF) - Trained by Jesuits at Boston College
    John J. Ring (Former President of the American Medical Association) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown Univ.
    Mark Dybut (Global AIDS Coordinator) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University
    Andrew von Eschenbach (Former FDA Director) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University
    Joseph F. Kilkenny (Commander of Navy Recruiting Command) - Trained by Jesuits at St. Joseph's
    Michael Powell (Former Chairman of the FCC, Colin Powell's son) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown Univ.
    David P. Burnham (Former Chairman/CEO of Raytheon) - Trained by Jesuits at Xavier University
    Tim Russert (Former Host of NBC's "Meet The Press") - Trained by Jesuits at John Carroll University
    Francois-Mari Arouet (French Philosopher) - Trained by Jesuits at the Lycee Louis-le-Grand
    Peter O'Toole (Actor) - Trained by Jesuits at St. Anne's Catholic School
    Pierre Trudeau (Former Canadian Prime Minister) - Trained by Jesuits at Jean-de-Brebeuf
    Mark Thompson (Director-General of BBC) - Trained by Jesuits at Stonyhurst College
    William Joyce (Wartime Nazi Propaganda Broadcaster) - Trained by Jesuits at St. Ignatius College
    John M. Loh (Former Chief of Staff for the US Air Force) - Trained by Jesuits at Gonzaga College
    James E. Rohr (Chairman/CEO of the PNC Financial Services Group) - Trained by Jesuits at St. Ignatius HS
    Francis Rooney (Former US Ambassador to the Vatican) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University
    Francis X Coleman (Partner at Goldman-Sachs) - Trained by Jesuits at Fordham University
    Mario Gabelli (CEO at FCB Worldwide) - Trained by Jesuits at Fordham University
    John Keane (Former Vice Chief of Staff, US Army) - Trained by Jesuits at Fordham University
    Francis Spellman (Former Archbishop of New York) - Trained by Jesuits at Fordham University
    Ray McGovern (Former CIA agent, Former adviser to Henry Kissinger, "Whistleblower" - Trained by Jesuits at
            Fordham University and Georgetown University
    Edward Bennett Williams (Washington super-lawyer, defender of many high-profile clients involved in                             suspicious cases such as Iran-Contra) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University
    Gordon Liddy (Chief Operative for the Watergate "Plumbers") - Trained by Jesuits at Fordham University
    Benjamin Fulford ("The Illuminati whistleblower") - Trained by Jesuits at Sophia University
    John McManus (President of the John Birch Society) - Trained by Jesuits at Holy Cross College
    Joe McCarthy (Former Senator and Communist Witchhunter) - Trained by Jesuits at Marquette University
    George Noory (Host of Coast-to-Coast AM Radio) - Trained by Jesuits at the University of Detroit Mercy
    David Addington (Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff) - Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University
    Janet Napolitano (President of California State University System, former Director, Dept. of Homeland Security)
            Trained by Jesuits at Santa Clara University
    Leon Panetta (Former Director of CIA) - Trained by Jesuits at Santa Clara University
    Adam Weishaupt (Founder of the Bavarian Illuminati) - Trained by Jesuits at Ingolstadt University

The above list is not a complete directory of Jesuit-trained, not by a long shot.  I have compiled a much larger list than what I have shared here.  These are just a sampling, and there are names in the above list that may come as a complete surprise to those unfamiliar with the Society of Jesus.  Catholics and non-Catholics that attend Jesuit colleges and universities will tell you they feel like they have gone to seminary just by the number of Catholic theology course required in their curriculum. 

Various sources report that "the New World Order" was actually founded in 1943 at the first Conference between England, the USA, and the Soviet Union by leading Jesuits in Tehran, Iran.  It was later reconfirmed at the end of WW II following the Allies complete victory of the "Romanists" controlling the Roman Catholic Church in the reestablishment of effective Vatican control of the former Frankish Kingdom principalities now know as Germany, France, Austria, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.

The term "New World Order" first entered the public arena in 1949 through the work of Jesuit coadjutor George Orwell and his book 'New World Order' providing a chilling account of the future world under global Vatican Fascism described as Socialism.

At the heart of the "New World Order" is a defined membership of global financial, political, and industrial consortium based around the underlying massive financial assets of the Vatican, based from Zurich, Switzerland, still in control of the Jesuits and their continued monopoly as the only organization in Roman Catholic history (excluding the Knights Templar) to hold a Papal document granting them exclusive rights to conduct banking and financial activities.

The New World Order is a consortium of financial, political, military, and industrial entities, and its precise structure, rules of operation and agenda remains difficult to precisely confirm.  Since the leader at the top rely on "diplomatic immunity" they are able to avoid examination of their attache pouches and documents transported by clerical couriers as such.  For example, a few dozen private banks in Europe and the USA first formed by the Jesuits in the 18th century and early 19th century continue to remain the foundation of the global finance and credit system.  Those same private banks that have withdrawn hundreds of billions of dollars of credit from the global financial system beginning in 2007 and up through 2011 caused what was perceived as a local credit squeeze of bad loans into a global depression.

The New World Order also maintains a political-military structure through cooperative ties between intelligence agencies and large private and public arms manufacturers such that this apparatus serves to protect the interests of the Vatican/Roman Catholic Church across the world.

The New World Order also represents a discrete group of global companies, principally involved in industries such as pharmaceuticals as well as substantial media and publishing interests, again which have successfully maintained protection of Catholic interests, with the exception of unavoidable occasional public scandals such as ongoing pedophilia and molestations by priests. 

In 1941, Count Vladimir Ledochowski, the Jesuit Superior-General, at the age of 75 was at the height of his supremacy.  He was a still healthy man and was completely driven.  His army of Jesuit influentials had similarly reached great heights in all places held by Roman Catholic dictators, as well as in the United States.  So why would a civil war between factions of the Jesuits break out at such a time?

One of the greatest historical anomalies is the behavior of both Adolf Hitler, Fr. Heinrich Himmler, SJ, and Fr. Joseph Stalin, SJ in the Nazi-Russian invasion.  Contrary to the historical spin, these men had not only shown ruthless pragmatism in managing power until this point, but were actively working together on a number of military and scientific fronts until the invasion of Russia in 1941.  Heinrich Himmler wrote in 1929 of his loyalty to Hitler, telling this to his wife, "Believe me, if Hitler tells me to shoot my mother, I'll do that."  

A frequent excuse given is that fiercely Roman Catholic Adolf Hitler had become "drunk" with power and decided to invade Russia because he hated the Russians.  But Hitler was a mere foot soldier, compared to Fr. Heinrich Himmler the new Grand Inquisitor of the Roman Catholic Church and his massive army of assassins and terrorists.  Jesuit Father Himmler was Heinrich Himmler's uncle.  Jesuit Father Himmler was one of the senior officers in the Nazi SS, under the leadership of his nephew Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler.

It is much more certain that Jesuit Superior-General Ledochowski instructed Himmler to push for the assault on the understanding this would complete a clean sweep of Catholic National Socialism over Catholic National Communism.  The State of Israel acquired a collection of Himmler's papers, correspondence, and documents that reveal a Jesuit role in the German invasion of Poland and Russia.  Historians and document analysts have been studying the Himmler paper since 2011.  Much of we thought we knew about WW II has been white-washed to protect the Pope and the Vatican.  For all intent and purpose, the Vatican pulled the strings of World War II.

Similarly, it is clear that Count Ledochowski said something in reverse to Fr. Joseph Stalin, SJ, that this was the plan that would ultimately destroy Germany as Stalin's behavior against his own country and people was nothing other than treacherous. 

When Hitler invaded in June of 1941, Fr. Stalin - against every other example of ruthless judgment to protect his own power - seemingly invited for his troops to be slaughtered and defeated by refusing his generals to fully engage, and then having his generals executed and then repeating the bizare process almost up to Moscow.  However, by the bleak Russian winter of December, 1941, the jaws of the Jesuit Soviet war machine had clamped down on the German invaders.  It was from this point on that the fate of the German Army had been determined.

For such a loyal German Jesuit as Fr. Himmler, SJ, such deliberate trickery by Count Superior-General Vladimir Ledochowski would have been devastating and unforgivable.  The Jesuits had shifted their power away from Germany, France and Italy to America for the first time in the Order's history.  This was no minor decision.

On December 31, 1942, at the age of 76, Count Vladimir died suddenly - almost certainly murdered by the very best assassin of Fr. Jesuit Himmler for his treachery in dooming the German-Swiss-French "Illuminati" Jesuits.
Technically, this act immediately plunged the Jesuits into Civil War.  Unable to convene a General Congregation until the end of the War - when all Jesuits have permission to elect their leader - Victor General Norbert de Boyne could not be made Superior-General.  This left the American Jesuits, led by Fr. Edmund Walsh, SJ, free to pursue their agenda along with other international factions.

The German-Swiss-Italian-French Jesuits during the war headed by Fr. Heinrich Himmler, SJ, represented the "Illuminati" - the old guard who had been betrayed by their slain leader Fr. Ledowchowski, SJ.  The other camp representing the new guard, the "New World Order" headed the American-Canadian Jesuits and allies along with the English and even Australian Jesuits.

In the middle of the two warring camps of Jesuits were "neutral" provinces such as the Netherlands, and Spain, still battling for its survival against the popularity of the Vatican-sponsored Opus Dei Mary (Mari) Spanish Satanic devotion cult.

It was during this event, in which unprecedented numbers of Jesuits were killed that the plan for the New World Order was hatched by senior Jesuits such as American Fr. Edmund Walsh, SJ.  This plan was confirmed by the Jesuit officials that accompanied each of the world leaders of Franklin Roosevelt, Fr. Joseph Stalin, and Winston Churchill to the conference at Tehran in December of 1943.  It is there we see for the first time the unveiling of the public face of the 'New World Order' as an order of opposing "friends" and ideologies - capitalism vs. communism, but all ultimately financed and directed by the same machine, the Vatican.

Keep in mind, the Jesuits are trained to function and operate as if they were mortal enemies.  It is for this reason, I have deep suspicions as to the apparent adversarial relationship between Russia's Vladimir Putin and the US president Barack Obama. 

Irish Vatican watcher Alan Lamont has noted that in Hitler's Third Reich, Hitler modeled his military on the framework of the Jesuits.  Despite disinformation sources, Hitler's parents were Roman Catholics and Adolf Hitler himself was a son of the Roman Catholic Church.  He was never ex-communicated from the Roman Catholic Church for his imposed death and destruction of Europe.  As the Knights Templars were the tool of the Vatican in the Crusades so the Jesuits play their role as the crack troops of the Papacy in furthering Papal conquests.  Hitler's Waffen-SS was modeled on the Jesuits.  The key positions of the SS were held by Jesuit priest:  Evan Kurt Heinrich Himmler (head of the SS) and Joseph Goebbels (Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda), both were Jesuit priests.

The New World Order maintains no official head offices, other than the existing structure of the Roman Catholic Church.  Nor does the New World Order maintain secret archives or attend "secret" meetings in oak-paneled rooms.  The entire structure, apparatus and relationships of the New World Order is largely in the public eye "hidden in plain sight" and has been scrutinized by investigators and coadjutors publishing misinformation.  For example, important New World Order meeting groups such as the Club of Rome, the Bilderberger Group, and the Council of Foreign Relations bring together many of the key members of the New World Order, but with discussions on subjects that to any observer would be regarded as largely as being benign or of little matter.

This is particularly the case in regards to the core reporting and power structure of the New World Order today. Excluding major meetings of members "hidden in plain sight" Jesuit Provincial Generals have been divided
their armies of priests into specialist areas - each assigned the task of involving themselves with key people in the area of their expertise to such an extent that their relationships and meetings seem both normal and natural.

For example, where a Jesuit who is regarded as a top lawyer and expert in Constitutional Law meets with  legislators, it seems both normal and devoid of any ulterior motive.  When a Jesuit is an expert in a field of science, or politics, the same can be said.  Thus the real power of the New World Order rests at the lowest levels of the Jesuit structure, with one part of the Jesuit organization never having a complete picture of what the other side knows unless they are at the level of the Provincial General.  Two Jesuits might be engaged in a particular plan but with opposing views, unbeknown to each other. 

The eventual truce in the Jesuit civil war came in the form of a compromise of power - the New World Order is in fact a very clear and precise level pyramid of power.  Until 1945 the Black Pope has been the most powerful person on the planet.  Since 1945, European sources say he has become largely symbolic and held by a candidate from a neutral country between the main factions of the Jesuit Civil War.  As such, the role has been dominated by both Dutch and Spanish candidates. 

The most powerful force within the New World Order is unquestionable the Provincial Generals of the Order- the most senior factional leaders of the Jesuits who continue to hold a truce since 1945.  While the Superior-General can technically give absolute orders to his provincials, in practice it has been the other way around for over sixty years.  This is certainly a change that few researchers note, and I would not rule it out to be true. 

The third layer of power is the Financial-Military Apparatus which few people who believe in the existence of the New World Order would argue.  However, few have ever heard of the real foundation of the global financial system in the early 19th century using Jesuit-controlled gold stolen from the Vatican during the Jesuit-Papal Wars to fund an army of private banks in Europe and the United States.

The fourth layer of the New World Order apparatus being the reconstituted "Illuminati" familys from the US, Europe, and even Asia/Middle East.  They have no control over the Jesuits, nor do they wish to challenge them in any way as their various positions from the Royal families, occasional Presidents, Prime Ministers, and global leaders is particularly dependent upon the favorable patronage of the Jesuits.

The fifth layer of the New World Order apparatus is the Holy See.  Contrary to common misinformation, the role of the Pope is now of secondary importance to the legal apparatus of the Holy See (Vatican), the Vatican being the legal framework that claims Vatican superiority over all other laws of man as well as complete dominion over animals (humans being classed as animals by their laws).  It is the papacy and Vatican curia that in recent years has waged an increasing public relations war in revealing more and more of the New World Order apparatus against the Jesuits.  There is a tension between the Jesuits and the Papacy, that most do not understand, and this is less the situation today with Pope Francis, himself a Jesuit.

The sixth layer of the New World Order apparatus is the United Nations which recognizes the Holy See as a legitimate state and entity, therefore its laws, and therefore every national' laws as subservient to the United Nations.

In 2008, the Illuminati bankers under the control of the Roman Catholic financial leaders in Zurich sued their banks and gold holdings to launch a preemptive strike against the Jesuit-controlled finance system - choosing the sub-prime crisis as the catalyst.  I first noted what was about to begin in the summer of 2006, when I saw in a business paper an article reporting on a canceled merger between two large companies.  The gist of the story was that the deal fell through for the inability to raise the necessary capital to close the deal on the merger.  Due to the lapse of time since 2006, I long ago forgot the names of the two companies, which had been well along in the process of merging.  I began warning people that I knew that were invested in the stock market of what was about to soon commence.  At the time I published a monthly newsletter on geo-political/financial activity.

In spite of the lack of real gold underpinning the modern global system created by the Jesuits, the creativity of banking and governments had managed to avoid a major financial debt fueled meltdown of the system several times since its creation in 1945.  However, under the New World Order power structure, the Holy See and the Illuminati of cities such as Munich and Zurich are subservient to the Jesuits, as they have been for 200

Using the sub-prime crisis, the Vatican-controlled (Rothschild) banks simply refused to renew fresh lines of credit underpinned by real bullion into the system in the second half of 2008 and again at the start of 2009, causing the whole financial system to effectively "seize up".  The Rothschild-controlled banks began to call in loans, whether they were delinquent or not.  Commercial loans and even personal loans, lines of credit can be called in at the bank's request, even if they are not delinquent. 

Contrary to early reports,this does not appear to be a Jesuit-driven action but a deliberated action on behalf of the Illuminati families and the Vatican against the Jesuits in the hope the resulting social turmoil will set the conditions for future war.   Evidence that we are witnessing a war within the power structure of the New World Order can be seen by recent extraordinary negative and disruptive comments from the European Union and Commission against plans by the US to trade out of the crisis.

There can be no doubt we are in the middle of the greatest power struggle since World War II.  It is uncertain whether the Jesuits will prevail and the system restored to order, or whether the Vatican and Illuminati will succeed in breaking the shackles of forced subservience after 200 years.  There have been rumors in the last four months of a possible assassination attempt on Pope Francis.  The Jesuits have repeatedly embarrassed the Vatican by leaking to the press Vatican "dirty laundry".  Recently Cardin Dolan announced that he would be the grand marshal of the 2015 New York City Saint Patrick's Day parade; and further announced that sodomites would be welcomed to participate, angering traditional Roman Catholic folks.

While the present heads of the Roman Catholic Church have demonstrated over 900 years of contempt towards the Divine Creator, under the Covenant of One-Heaven (Pactum De Singularis Caclum) the entire official body of Cardinals, Bishops, Deacons and Ordinaries are granted Divine Redemption including the Sainthood of all Popes, including the Church having the power to ratify the Divine Treaty of Lucifer and the end of Hell and Damnation forever if all evil behavior is ceased, all sins admitted and all property surrendered by the Day of Divine Judgement.

It is never evident to the man on the street or at the local level; however, be mindful that there is a power struggle that has existed within the ranks of the Jesuits for practically the entire life of the organization.  The public is unaware of the full danger of the Jesuits or 'Society of Jesus".  The 'Secret Instructions' of the Jesuits were first discovered during the 30 Years' War when the Duke of Brunswick plundered the Jesuit's college at Paderborn in Westphalia (Germany) and made a present of their library to the Capuchins (monastic order) of the same town.  Soon there after reprints and translations appeared all over Europe.

The text of the 'Secret Instructions' that are available on the Internet were found beneath the pallet on an adobe bed in a cottage in the Andes Mountains of Peru about a century ago.  Students of the Incas recall that prior to the expedition of the 'National Geographic' magazine under Hiram Gingham, in 1911, archeologists from European countries probed the ruins of this people.

In 1870 a French archeologist slipped unobtrusively into the office of the Secretary of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in San Francisco, CA.  He had been sent into the remote accesses of the Andes, where Pizarro and his army had conquered the Incas more than three centuries before.  He had rented a room in a tiny village.  This he used as a base of his operations.  To this exact room he returned periodically to rest from the dangerously high altitudes and to write his reports for shipment back to France.  While he was away, the family frequently rented the same room to overnight guests.  One of these happened to be a Jesuit official.  On his departure he forgot a little black book which he had hidden under the mattress.  The French archeologist accidentally found it.  It was the 'Secret Instructions of the Society of Jesus' - the top classified manual of procedure for the trusted leaders of the Jesuit Order.  It was in Latin and bore the seal, signature and attestation of the Superior-General and Secretary of the Order in Rome.

For the next few days the Frenchman labored furiously, translated the work in stenographic notes into French.  He then replaced the book and left.  The Jesuit returned in a few days later inquiring nervously about his little black packet.  He also wanted to know if anyone had occupied the room since his departure.  On learning of the archeologist he began a search so relentless that the Frenchman had to leave Peru.  He finally reached San Francisco and entrusted his precious but dangerous burden to Edwin A. Sherman, the Secretary of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in California.  Mr. Sherman included the 'Secret Instructions' in his book 'The Engineer Corps of Hell' published in 1882.  For several years Edwin Sherman was the Masonic Historian of California.  As strange as this may seem, Freemasonry is subservient to the Jesuits in the hierarchy order or chain of command.  I have a 11x16 wall poster of the 'Emblematic Structure of Freemasonry' hanging on the wall of my study.  It contains an explanation of the various degrees of both the York and Scottish Rites of Freemasonry.  Edwin Sherman apparently was unaware of the role of the Jesuits at the time when he wrote his book, since it included the 'Secret Instructions of the Society of Jesus'.  The 'Secret Instructions' are reprinted in Jon Eric Phelps book, 'Vatican Assassins'  which can be accessed on the Internet if your are not interested in purchasing a hard copy. 

Over a thousand books have been written about Adolf Hitler by historians, scholars, many of them not worth the paper they are printed on but there are far more books on Hitler that presented questions that were unresolved to readers and authors' satisfaction.  This is largely because the writers avoided the religious aspects of Hitler's ties to his Jesuit handlers and Rome.  Authors tend to give the Vatican a free pass by avoiding airing their "dirty linen".
Even Hitler's so-called biography 'Mein Kampf' was ghost-written by a Jesuit, Fr. Bernhardt Staempfle.  Hitler only had one good talent:  that he was a good public speaker, and that he could harangue the masses. 


Justin D. Fulton, 'Washington in the Lap of Rome'
William Blum, 'Rogue State'
Judge Dale, 'The Great American Experience'  (All five parts)
Andrew Hitchcock, 'The Synagogue of Satan'
Andrew Hitchcock, 'The History of the Moneychangers'
Andrew Hitchcock, 'The History of the House of Rothschild'
Dr. Henry Makow, 'Illuminati: The Cult That Hijacked The World'
Dr. John Coleman, 'The Rothschild Dynasty'
Dr. John Coleman, 'The Club of Rome'
Dr. John Coleman, 'The Illuminati in America'
Dr. John Coleman, 'Beyond the Conspiracy'
Dr. John Coleman, 'The Committee of 300'
Laurence Gardner, 'Bloodlines of the Holy Grail"
Dr. Carroll Quigley, 'Tragedy and Hope'
Tupper Saussy, 'Rulers of Evil'
Fritz Springmeier, 'Bloodlines of the Illuminati'
William Guy Carr, 'Satan, Prince of the World'
William Guy Carr, 'Pawns in the Game'
William Guy Carr, 'Red Flag Over America'
Albert Pike, 'Morals and Dogma'
Jim Shaw, 'Deadly Deceptions'
Jon Eric Phelps, 'Vatican Assassins'
John Daniel, 'The Grand Design Exposed'
Ralph Epperson, 'Masonry, Conspiracy Against Christianity'
Ralph Epperson, 'The Hidden Hand'
Juri Lina, 'Architects of Deception'
Juri Lina, 'Under the Sign of the Scorpion'
John Daniel, 'Scarlet and the Beast' (not the same John Daniel above)
The Milianari, 'Shroud of Secrecy'
Bill Hughes, 'The Enemy Unmasked'
Bill Hughes, 'The Secret Terrorists'
James Billington, 'Fire In The Eyes of Men'
Noah Webster, 'World Revolution'
Albert Mackey, 'The Secret Destiny of America'
William Still, 'New World Order'
William Still, 'The Money Masters' (DVD)
Modern History Project, 'New World Order'
Michael Hoffman, Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not'
Tim Cohen, 'Antichrist and a Cup of Tea'
Ronald MacDonald & Robert Rowen, 'They Own It All: Including You'
Eustace Mullins, 'Secrets of the Federal Reserve'
Eustace Mullins, 'The Curse of Canaan'
G. Edward Griffin, 'The Creature From Jekyll Island'
Chris Pinto, 'The Society of Jesus: Their Moral Maxims &Plots' (Audio CD)
Chris Pinto, 'The Jesuits & The Counter Reformation' (2-disc Audio CD)
Edmond Paris, 'The Secret History of the Jesuits'
Dr. Ronald Cook, 'The Vatican Jesuit Global Conspiracy'
John Quintano, 'Project Vatican'
E.C. Knuth, 'Empire of the City'
H.G. Wells, 'The Open Conspiracy'
H.G. Wells, 'The New World Order'
Carol Marshall, 'The Last Circle'
Malachi Martin, 'Windswept House'
Malachi Martin, 'The Jesuits'
Malachi Martin, 'The Keys of This Blood'
Malachi Martin, 'Hostage of the Devil'
David Ovason, The Secret Architecture of the Nation's Capitol'
David Ovason, 'The Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill'
David Ovason, 'Lost Symbol: The Secrets of Washington, DC'
Doug Woodward, 'The Final Babylon: America and the Coming of Antichrist'
Jordan Maxwell, 'Matrix of Power'
Jim Marrs, 'Rule by Secrecy'
Jim Marrs, 'The Rise of the Fourth Reich'
John Perkins, 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man'
James Perloff, 'The Shadows of Power'
Christopher Story, 'The New Underworld Order'
Wes Penre, 'Illuminism: The Occult Force Behind Globalization'
William Arthur, 'The Pope, The Kings, and The People'
William Cathcart, 'The Papal System From Its Origin to The Present Time'
M.F. Cusick, 'The Black Pope, A History of Jesuits'
Fr. Jeremiah F.R. Crowley, 'Romanism: A Menace to the Nations'
The Abbate Leone, 'The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret Plan of the Order'
Avro Manhattan, 'The Vatican in World Policy'
Avro Manhattan, 'Viet Nam: Why Did We Go?'
Samuel F. B. Morse, 'Foreign Conspiracy Against the USA'
Edwin Sherman, 'Engineer Corps of Hell'
Paul Bert, 'The Doctrine of the Jesuits'
Charles Chinquy, '50 Years in The Church of Rome'
William H. Kennedy, 'Lucifer's Lodge: Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Catholic Church'
David Allen Rivera, 'Final Warning: A History of The New World Order'
Dave Hunt, 'A Woman Rides the Beast'

God bless,

Pastor Bob