Michael Colunga (28 Sep 2014)
"Reprise:  Gerry Almond (14 Jan 2013)--"Timeline of Reese is still and will be very much alive.""


Hello, John and Doves,


Here is a reprise of some great good stuff from Gerry Almond.






Gerry Almond (14 Jan 2013)
"Timeline of Reese is still and will be very much alive."

Talk of the need for a new timeline is premature, I believe. Let’s be reminded that the clock is Israel. I have posted before and I will again now, that this timeline is anchored on the Noah sign of 120 years overlaying the national experience of modern Israel. By this I mean, the odds of an exact overlay of time on both Noah’s day and modern Israel’s day is literally DNA type odds.

By the overlay, I mean:

120 years x 360 days per year in Noah’s day = 43,200 days.

120 years x 360 days per year in modern Israel’s day = 43,200 days.

Noah had 43,200 days from the Holy Spirit’s announcement that He would end the world of Noah’s day until the event. The world of Noah ended.

From the very first Zionist Congress, the first activity to re-gather the Jews back to their ancient land in 1,827 years (many days) of dispersion day 1, August 29, 1897 until December 7, 2015 is exactly 43,200 days. What a wonderful marker of God.

The tetrads of eclipses discovered by Mark Biltz point to the Yom Kippur, September 23, 2015 date. That count is 43,125 days from August 29, 1897. But, Daniel 12 gave an additional time to the end of the 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy of first 30 days, and then 45 more days. Add the total to 43,125 and you find that the total count of 43,200 days ends December 7, 2015.

To me, this is an absolute anchor point beyond which the world will be in the Kingdom Age. It would be easier to win the national lottery than to have this count to be a mere coincidence. So, the time line established by Bro Ron Reese as Oct 29, 2008 through and including September 23, 2015 being the 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy stands the test, in my opinion. The additional 75 days of Daniel 12 are, I believe, the days of setting up Israel to rule in the coming Kingdom, beginning with the inauguration of the King of Kings. This will fulfill Daniel 9:24 which says “1. to finish the transgression, 2. and to make and end of sins, 3. and to make reconciliation for iniquity, 4. and to bring in everlasting righteousness, 5. and to seal up the vision, 6. and prophecy, 7. and to anoint the Most Holy (One). This is the crowning day of the King of Kings.

Thus, if the sign of Noah (43,200 days) is the sign of Israel for their last day (43,200 days), it MUST end December 7, 2015. This may mean that the second half of the 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy is crunched into shortened days, as indeed seems to be the case.


Gerry Almond