K.S. Rajan (28 Sep 2014)


Major Catholic Newspaper Says DARPA “Probably” Developing The Mark Of The Beast… And That People Will Be Camping Outside The “Marking” Centers In Eager Anticipation Of Receiving Their 666 Brand
The broader discussion of implants is one worth having because we're already accepting implants on and in our bodies as routine and today, we all carry a device that serve the same function as an implant—our smartphone. The next natural step is just to implant devices that provide identity, tracking and a variety of other conveniences, under our skin. Americans will be wooed by convenience and both government and private entities will be able to monitor and track your every move.  Just two decades ago, few people had any concept of a "smartphone." Today, these devices are ubiquitous. Now just imagine what is coming in the next two decades. Of course, there will be those that resist, but it will not matter because..

Warming Society Up For The Mark Of The Beast: DARPA's Tiny Implants Promise To Give Humans DNA-Altering Superpowers
Wolverine, Ghost Rider, the Incredible Hulk — all of these characters have at least one awesome trait in common: the ability to heal themselves. And now, the Pentagon wants to give ordinary people this superhuman capability. A new military-sponsored program aims to develop a tiny device that can be implanted in the body, where it will use electrical impulses to monitor the body's organs, healing these crucial parts when they become infected or injured. Known as Electrical Prescriptions, or ElectRx, the program could reduce dependence on pharmaceutical drugs and offer a new way to treat illnesses, according to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the branch of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for developing the program.

Cashless Society Advocates Also Begin Celebration Of The Beast's Mark Nearness
The launch of Apple Pay last week marked a major milestone in payments technology.  We are hugely proud to be part of it. Until now, the idea of running out for some milk, walking into a store and using your thumb print to make the purchase has sounded futuristic, even if the technology has been in place for a while. Apple has also taken a step towards solving the identity problem.  Our belief is that we should be able to identify ourselves without having to use passwords or PIN numbers. So how can we take this technology and implement it across the industry for all devices, banks, merchants, and consumers? Our challenge is to take lessons from the different applications of biometrics already in place and elevate them into the next generation of authentication, not just for one platform, but for the mass market globally.

Sodom, Gomorrah, And San Francisco California
Some things are classically San Franciscan. The Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard's curves and the celebration of alternative sexuality known as the Folsom Street Fair are treats as signature to San Francisco as Rice-A-Roni. The culmination of Leather Week, this year happening on Sunday, attracts visitors from around the world as well as locals. If you’ve never experienced it before, make this the year. The geography of the fair is changing — it now extends on Folsom Street from Eighth to 13th streets — but the inclusive spirit of Folsom, whose official mission is to “unite adult alternative lifestyle communities with safe venues,” remains. “When I first started in 2006, we had two band stages. Now we have five. Of course, those newcomers might be the people that next year come in head-to-toe leather or rubber.”

Award-Winning Investigative Reporter Says Barack Obama's Open-Border Policy And His Intimidation Of Journalists Who Would Convey To The Public The Terror Threat Is Going To Result In Bomb Attacks On America "SOONER THAN YOU THINK!"

We Are On The Brink Of A Third World War, Experts Warn
World War 3 is inevitable and some experts agree that there are a number of assumptions to conclude that it is only a matter of time until the third World War is here. Many analysts believe that sooner or later, the US will attack Syria. And according to a Sep. 17 report from The Inquisitr, the restoration of Ukraine’s nuclear weapons could potentially be the match that lights the flames of World War 3. A previous report from The Inquisitr explained that World War 3 may be an inevitable result of global economics and financial cycles, according to investors and political analysts. Tension in Syria is nearing the limit and members of the U.S.-led alliance must stand shoulder to shoulder to confront simultaneous security threats from Russia and the so-called Islamic State extremist organization, NATO secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Monday.


US Security Officials Say Terror Attacks On The U.S. Now Top Concern, Beyond Islamic State

Top U.S. homeland security officials said Wednesday that the Islamic State is an imminent terror concern for this country, but they remain intently focused on an array of  deadly threats, especially Americans becoming indoctrinated on the Internet and executing a “limited, self-directed attack.” “It’s no longer necessary to actually meet someone from Al Qaeda,” FBI Director James Comey said on Capitol Hill. “Someone can actually do it in their pajamas in their basement.” Comey said he expects that such Internet activity will “dominate” his tenure at the agency. He made his remarks during a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing on global threats to America and the government’s response. Comey was joined by Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Matthew Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center

ISIS Plans 'Armageddon' Against The United States

An Islamic State (ISIS) magazine called Dabiq has warned that the United States and other Western “crusaders” are facing Armageddon at the hands of the terror group’s  fighters. The publication is packed with disturbing pictures of bloody corpses, bombed-out buildings and knife-wielding jihadists, while one issue even has a section devoted to the beheading of American journalist James Foley, The Washington Post reports. Filled with snazzy graphics and printed in English and other languages, the  magazine is being used as a recruitment tool by the terror insurgents to enlist and radicalize foreigners around the world. The Islamic State, which has an estimated 12,000 foreign fighters from 74 countries, also employs Dabiq to promote its violent campaign to defeat the “Romans” or “crusaders” from the West, who are symbolized by photos of President Barack Obama and Arizona GOP Sen. John McCain.