Joe Chappell (28 Sep 2014)
"More on Psalm 114"

Dear Doves,
For many years , I have studied the Psalms, memorizing many of them.  J.R. Church's book Hidden Prophecies in the Psalms was published in the late 80's, which points out the correlation between the year we are in and the Psalms.   Beginning with Psalm 1 and 1901, there is a remarkable parallel.    For a number of years, I have memorized the Psalm for the year, usually in January. I continue to meditate on it the remainder of the year. I also chase down every word and angle that I can . For instance , in Psalm 114:8  I looked up the word Flint. I now have a small bag of flint nodules from Mendenhall , England. In other words, I study the inside, outside and upside down of these Psalms. I write each verse on a 3 x 5 card and carry them with me wherever I go. Are you beginning to wonder about my sanity ? The best part of all this, is the fellowship with the True author of these Psalms, the Holy Spirit. I really feel that He demands this from me, in a very
 sweet way. As I meditate, He reveals, but it always seems that He is holding back. He never discloses everything at once. I meditate, I memorize, I study, He reveals...... on His time table. It takes years sometimes. 
Psalm 114
1. When Israel went out of Egypt, the house of Jacob from a people of strange language
2. Judah was his sanctuary, and Israel his dominion
3. The Sea saw it and fled, Jordan was driven back
4. The mountains skipped like rams, and the little hills like lambs
5. What ailed thee ?  O thou Sea that thou fleddest ? thou Jordan , that thou wast driven back ?
6. Ye mountains that ye skipped like rams, and ye little hills like lambs ?
7. Tremble thou earth at the prescence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob.
8. Which turned  the rock into a standing water , the Flint into a fountain of waters
Something I missed until just recently, was the link between Psalm 114 and  Enoch chapter 50.  Look at what Enoch 50:4 states  " in those days the mountains shall skip like rams and the hills shall leap like young sheep; satiated with milk, and all the righteous shall become like angels in heaven". Of course we know that Enoch was written to a people who would witness the endtime events millenia in the future. Fascinating how this passage from Enoch pops up in Psalm 114.
The verses are almost identical, except for the ending " the righteous  shall become like angels in heaven"  Is this a reference to the raptured saints with their new bodies ?
Verse 7 of Ps. 114,  absolutely fascinates me !  " Tremble thou earth "..
Let us assume that the Rapture has just taken place., milliseconds before . That event was initiated ,  by non other than " THE LORD HIMSELF "
The physical " PRESENCE" of  "The LORD HIMSELF" for only the twinkling of an eye, will be  enough to evoke a responce from the Earth that is monumental ! The earth simply has no choice !!!
" The mountains skipped like rams , and the little hills like lambs "
Does this describe a Massive Earthquake ?
Do you fell the incredible experience of God moving in the midst of His people ? 
" When Israel went out of Egypt.........., Judah was His sanctuary , and Israel His dominion"
The elements shrank away in awe !   " What ailed thee o thou sea , that thou fleddest ?"
Wouldn't the  "Great Bride Abduction", be even more momentous than the Exodus from Egypt ?
"TREMBLE THOU EARTH, AT THE PRESENCE."    That may be the greatest  understatement of all time.
Doves,.......MARANATHA !!!!!           joechappell