Jane A (7 Sep 2014)
"To Pastor Bob from Jane A - re The Rapture verses the Second Coming 24th August"

Hello Pastor Bob,

Thank you so much for your posts. Your knowledge is very much appreciated.

As TH mentioned, I too have some genuine enquiries


Zechariah 14 vs 4 says that the Lord's feet will stand upon the mount of Olives. I understand this to be the glorious appearing; the church has already been Raptured.

In Revelation 19 vs 11 -21 which I also understand to be the glorious appearing, the Lord is on a white horse. Does He then get off His horse to stand on the Mount of Olives?

If both scriptures refer to the glorious appearing, after the rapture, why are the scriptures  different? I am not splitting hairs, just a genuine question. Again I really enjoy your posts.

In your August 24th post – Absence of proof is not proof of Absence 13, you quote scriptures from Isaiah. These gave me great comfort.  Thank you!

Jane A