Gail (28 Sep 2014)
"The U.S. currency takes the 1st 'hit,' but the UK pound is still in for a POUNDING. Isaiah 17 rushing of the Nations"

- Prime Minister Netanyahu's office confirms that he and Obama will meet in New York during the U.N. General Assembly
- Obama will host PM Netanyahu at the White House on Wednesday   Oct.1st, 2014.
When Netanyahu leaves Israel who does he leave in charge?
FM Lieberman-
Lieberman: We will destroy Damascus if Hezbollah attacks northern Israel February 13th, 2008
Avigdor Lieberman, a far-right Knesset member, threatened to destroy the Syrian capitol, Damascus, if Hezbollah attacks Israel- 
“We must negotiate with Syria only over security arrangements in Lebanon, not the Golan Heights,” Lieberman said.
“It should be made clear to [Syrian President Bashar] Assad that if Hezbollah targets the residents of northern Israel, all of Syria will pay, and Assad and his family will lose their rule of the Baath party and will all die. We will not leave a single stone untouched,” he added.
Lieberman said that a democratic state cannot face terrorist threats in the traditional way. “The US managed to destroy Saddam Hussein’s army in a short period of time, but it is now covered in Iraqi mud because it failed to use the same means that terrorist organizations are using, such as suicide bombings and using residents as human shields.”
“Instead of fighting terrorist organizations, we must fight the head. In the case of Hezbollah, Assad is the head, because the party cannot survive without Syrian support,” Lieberman.

UN General Assembly (UNGA 69)
September 16th, 2014 - October 1st, 2014  

Iraq's Prime Minister says it has uncovered a plot for an imminent terrorist attack on New York and Paris

Haider al-Abadi
Haider al-Abadi said that Iraq's intelligence had recieved "credible" information about plans to launch attacks on the Subway systems in both cities.
He made the remarks at a meeting with a small group of U.S. reporters on the sidelines of a gathering of World leaders at the United Nations General Assembly in New York Sept.25th, 2014. 
Isaiah 17:12-14 prophecy-
12 Woe to the multitude of many people
Who make a noise like the roar of the seas,
And to the rushing of nations
That make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters
13 The nations will rush like the rushing of many waters; (The UN)
But God will rebuke them and they will flee far away,
And be chased like the chaff of the mountains before the wind,
Like a rolling thing before the whirlwind.
14 Then behold, at eventide, trouble!
And before the morning, he is no more.
This is the portion of those who plunder us,
And the lot of those who rob us (Golan Heights)
The tribulation 'brew' is stirring, and it leads to many atrocities against Jews & Christians.
NYC is the U.S.' financial throat.
During the 'great-tribulation' time frame, banking regulations are set to be handed over to the World's elitists, who with insistence from the World's muslims reinstitute "the craft," exactly as was shown to the Prophet Daniel.
Freemasonry is known as "the craft," in homage to its roots in stonemasonry.   
Daniel 8:25-
25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace (by trying to maintain peace) shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

Scottish Independence vote went No, but the dilemma is now even bigger and more drawn-out than before.
PM Cameron's Backlash
Sept.19th, 2014
"The chaotic manner in which the 'No' vote was won has undermined the United Kingdom, it is already causing real anger across England. If not resolved fairly, it will fall apart." Owen Paterson, a Conservative lawmaker and former minister, said in a statement. 
Some 'No' supporters can be heard singing "Rule Britannia" and are seen making Nazi gestures in some videos.
Cameron Risks Setting England Against Scotland
Sept.21st, 2014
ollapsing w
It appears PM Cameron has made a deliberate attempt to pitch England against Scotland, in order to appease rebellious backbenchers who are furious about the Scottish vow, and recruit Ukip voters, a move which could easily spark outbreaks of a more unpleasant, narrow nationalism.
It also risks further undermining the already rock-bottom trust in London's Westminster politics.
Voters in Scotland becoming more incensed, means Scots will have more anti-Government grievances than before and may make more urgent demands due to Cameron's broken promises.
Salmond says Scots Tricked out of Independeance
Sept.21st, 2014
Alex Salmond accused Britain's political leaders on Sunday of tricking Scots out of independence after a dispute about how and when to give them more powers.
"I think Cameron's promises were something cooked up in desperation for the last few days of the campaign and I think everyone in Scotland now realises that." And he warns that Scotland could declare its Independence without a vote now.

You're watching currency instability leading to a mark of the beast.
The motto of the freemasons is Order out of Chaos.
Dramatic financial chaos, dramatic weather chaos, dramatic social unrest besets the World.
The Western leaders are trying to unite with muslim leaders to fight radical Islamic terrorists groups-
Just as Isaiah 17 unfolds, the timing couldn't be any worse for the tiny little Jewish State.
The end-times are all about muslim appeasement.
More disproportionate views slamming Israel are on the way.
God gave believers a specific day-count for 'Jacob's Trouble,' and that count hasn't started yet, because his word says during the trouble, the Israeli believers in Yeshua are in the Wilderness being nourished.
And  -
In Revelation 11:3, God states: “I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophecy [preach] 1260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” The length of the ministry of the two witnesses is 1260 days, which is the length of 42 thirty-day months.
There is no peace agreement like so many have taught. 
There is no head wound to the anti-messiah, another incorrect teaching.
There will be no 3rd temple built by the Jews, I don't care what preparations they might have in place.
Do you understand what is happening?
God is draining their coffers- Financial resources; funds.
Aug 13th, 2014
Analysts expect Israel's month-long war with Hamas in Gaza to have dented growth and cost several billion dollars - foreign tourism alone fell by 25 percent in July. But Israel has weathered such storms in the past and tends to rebound within a few months.
But Israel's broader economy, built on hi-tech innovation (Tel Aviv), pharmaceuticals and engineering, is largely unaffected.
Tel Aviv gets hit during war and the tribe of Asher dips it foot in oil Deuteronomy
And of Asher he said, Let Asher be blessed with children; let him be acceptable to his brethren, and let him dip his foot in oil.
The end-time prophecies are a methodical process.
He specifically said that his Kingdom comes without observation.
Have the 2 witnesses started prophesying yet? No. 
Netanyahu still has much more on his plate- Haredi revolt, releasing more terrorists to appease Washington DC, Damascus aftermath (Isaiah 17), Confederated Arab nations (Psalm 83), Bushehr, Turkey's Erdogan & Iran (Ezekiel 38). 
PM Netanyahu faces more than any Prime Minister in the past.
What does the Bible say about captivity? Revelation 13:10-He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
They're pushing/punishing Israel with arms embargos & trade sanctions, yet where are their economies headed?
South, just like I said, deflation leading to depression-
Aug.25th, 2014  Worries about the economy are rippling through Europe. ECB president Draghi, vowed to use “all the available instruments needed to ensure price stability.”
He cited the broad decline in euro-area inflation, analysts say it shows that he’s spooked by the increased risk of deflation. The
downbeat data pushes the European Central Bank to even more drastic action.
I told you what Geithner warned the U.S. would do- The most important thing we can do & did in the past, was to have a Federal Reserve using overwhelming force.” 
I've pointed out many times why the World will look to hrh p.charles-
Mideast envoy role for UK prince?
October 20th, 2001
The Prince of Wales may act as an unofficial envoy in the war against terrorism, it has emerged.
It is understood his close contacts with Saudi Arabia and sympathetic understanding of Islam would help the international coalition shore up support in the Arab world.
St James' Palace - the prince's official residence in London - and Downing Street both refused to give details of what the Prince's role could be, but sources confirmed it was something that was being looked at.

God said look @ the past, that is how he declares the future, he said no new thing under the sun.
2001 was a cake·walk (something easily accomplished) compared with today, and you see it getting even worse, everyday more radical Islamic violence, because that is how God is conditioning the World to embrace p.charles & king Abdullah of Jordan.
Genesis 27:40 (to Esau & his arab descendants), connect the dots so to speak- 40 And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.
The end-time World finds itself in desperate need of a bridge with the most violent population on earth- the muslims.  It all boils down to gentiles protecting their economies with their secret societies, because God said -
1 Timothy 6:10
 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Piercing themselves through with an eternity of sorrow, all because the preaching of the Gospel was absolute foolishness. They've made materialism, feel-good messages, and entertainment their priority.
The end-time parody definitely likens Christians to Noah who warned the flood was coming.   
The sky isn't falling on them, it's Global Warming, yeah that's what it is, it makes perfect sense now, all we have to do is watch our CO2 emissions because "Climate change is putting hundreds of millions of people at risk of hunger and threatening everything."
I've told you that Daniel 7:4 is the United States of America losing its sovereignty, coming under the dominion of the Freemason chartered UN.  The Clintons are UN allied already, she gets in.  
UN forces on U.S. soil is what Ken Peters saw, & he saw Christians refusing to renounce the Lord being beheaded by Freemasons, and Shriners. 
Great trib- the World being led by p.charles' muslim appeasement, the final 42 months-Revelation 12:7-9  satan is still on his way.  
P.Charles is the antichrist.
Jordan's King Abdullah, the false prophet.
The lie given to the World because they refused the Gospel of Yeshua, Jesus Christ-
Global Warming, they believe it hook, line and sinker. 
I've told you the demonic role of -
Al Jazeera, funded by the government of Qatar with its deep pockets.
They have no ethics, and that means they play by a different set of rules.
This the muslim mouthpiece that I have warned of, and is exactly what is used by Jordan's King Abdullah to call the world's muslims to unity- 'the Amman Message.'
Qatar's Al Jazeera are the ones who are credited with fanning the flames of muslim unrest during the 'arab perdition started in 2011' which now continues to progress into even more demonic Islamic violence the World Over.
When Satan is cast out, after the war in heaven, we are told in- Rev.12:12 Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
Rev. 12:13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman (Israel) which brought forth the man child.
Rev. 12:14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
The woman (believing remnant in Israel) flees to Petra, recaptured after Psalm 83's war enlargement.
But Rev.12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ-
Ken Peters sees Christians who refuse to renounce Christ, stand in line for beheading at the order of Freemasons and Shriners.
The Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, also commonly known as Shriners and abbreviated A.A.O.N.M.S., established in 1870, is an appendant body to Freemasonry.
Logo of the Shriners of North America
In 1938 there were about 340,000 members in the United States. That year Life published photographs of its rites for the first time. It described the Shriners as "among secret lodges the No. 1 in prestige, wealth and show," and stated that "in the typical city, especially in the Middle West, the Shriners will include most of the prominent citizens."
The Shriner is given a red fez with an Islamic sword and crescent jewel on the front of it.
This sword emblem originates from 7th century Arabia when the Muslims, under the leadership of Muhammad (aka: Mohammed), slaughtered all Christians and Jews who would not bow down to the pagan moon god Allah.
It is a symbol of subjugation.
That's what happened in the past, pointing us to what is 'the time of Jacob's Trouble.' 
The ostracization for both Christians & Jews only worsens.

The World is on fire, on Jihad watch, not one single population can escape the ramifications
God bless,