Frank Molver (21 Sep 2014)
"The soon-coming global economic reset, 2014-2015 Shemitah"

This is a very interesting article sent to me by John
It dovetails perfectly with the Shemitah vid by Jonathan Kahn sent in by Jim.. This may indicate the time between Sept this year till Oct next year.
This also fits what I feel the Lord showed me about a soon coming economic tribulation. 2014-2015
Below is just part of the reset link
I do not agree with the Kings of the East comment
But I do agree we are ready for a big economic change
 The soon-coming global reset
A similar situation exists today. Babylon has made America wealthy, largely due to the world trade tax that is imposed upon every nation that does international trade. Because the US dollar is used for making payments in world trade, the wire transfers have to be made in US dollars through the SWIFT system of money transfers. All such payments go through the Federal Reserve Bank, which takes a percentage of the transaction as a fee. This is, in effect, a tax on all world trade. The BRICS nations are setting up a new system of payments through their own bank which bypasses the SWIFT system and the Federal Reserve. Payments are being done in each country’s own currency for the present, but soon will create its own world reserve currency made up of a basket of currencies. In other words, world trade going through the BRICS bank will be settled in about four specific currencies, rather than the single US dollar. Jim Rickards concedes that because of this the US dollar is doomed. Jeff: And when you think about it, it’s almost as if there’s no way out of this….Jim: You’re right. And it is just more fuel for the fire as global players look to distance themselves from using the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. And while America is loath to lose its position as the world’s reserve currency, our astronomical money printing to cover our debt makes it impossible to sustain. Basically, we’ve overstepped our monetary bounds for good, and there is no turning back…I’ve had private conversations with former Federal Reserve board members, and other central bankers around the globe, on what’s going on behind the scenes—what’s not getting reported in the mainstream media—and frankly, everything I’m hearing is that this global reset is about to hit. In fact, we already know what it looks like, and when you can expect it to happen. So when can we expect this global reset to happen? Rickards does not give a date, but he says essentially that it will happen when China feels it has accumulated enough gold to secure its yuan (currency) as part of the “basket of currencies” that will replace the US dollar. He says,“And while countries publicly claim that they no longer tie their currency to the value of gold, what they are doing privately is a different story. And China is the biggest actor in covert gold acquisition…. And since it knows the ‘dollar’ system is coming to an end, it has to increase its gold holdings before it can trigger a global reset of the world’s [new] reserve currency.”But since China’s official figures do not match their actual holdings, we are on our own in figuring out how much they really have, and how much they need to have before the reset. Jim says, Jim: China’s last official announcement was over five years ago on April 25, 2009. At that time, it claimed to have 1,054 tonnes. That’s a 76% increase from the 600 tonnes it had in 2003. Right now, Shanghai Daily has reported that China has quietly amassed about 2,710 tonnes of gold. Jeff: That’s an unofficial number. Jim: Yes, that’s an unofficial number. But you and I both know that China controls its media. So it is letting it be known that it is accumulating more gold, but it is not letting the public know exactly how much. But from what I have gathered from trusted sources, the Chinese actually have amassed around 4,000 to 4,500 tonnes of gold already. Jeff: Wow, that’s a massive difference. Jim: It is. And when Chinese gold hits around $5,000 an ounce, all bets are off. It will be the second punch that will deal a deathblow to the dollar. And set off the wholesale destruction of American wealth. The bottom line is that China is being allowed to acquire gold without spooking the markets and driving up the price. This way, it will be “on the train” when it leaves the station. The only problem is that when the train leaves the station and the global reset triggers a new reserve currency, nearly all American wealth will be wiped out, except for those who have prepared themselves in advance…One last thing, Jeff. Our viewers should know that China could announce its holdings at any time. So they shouldn’t wait to get their financial house in order. The time to act is now. Before it’s too late….Jeff: From what you’ve seen today, we are beyond the point of no return, as China prepares to announce its official gold holdings at any time. And when it does, there will be no time left to prepare yourself for the devastation ahead. And to think our government is helping China do it. By suppressing the price of gold, under the guise of weakening its function as a reserve currency, China is able to covertly acquire as much gold as it will need to trigger the death of money as you know it. So the bottom line here—as they see it—is that China is holding about 4,500 tons (tonnes) of gold right now. They suggest that their goal is to accumulate about 5,000 tons before announcing the global currency reset. When they make this announcement, investors will realize that the current price is totally unrealistic in view of all the secret purchases going on in the past few years. This will make it impossible to rig the price of gold any longer, and it will shoot up almost immediately to at least $5,000 per ounce. At that price, it will be able to back the new basket of currencies that the BRICS nations are putting together to replace the US dollar as the world currency for the next century or longer. Meanwhile, the US has no defense against what is coming, unless it is able to start World War III and destroy the BRICS nations (beginning with Russia). The price-riggers have no choice but to keep the price of gold and silver low, because that is the only way the dollar can retain its value. But rigging the market to keep the price of gold low allows China and India to buy gold cheaply with all the dollars they hold in their reserves. When things change, those nations holding gold and silver will emerge as the strongest in the world.