Frank Molver (28 Sep 2014)
"Are SDA and Catholic church cults?, Walter Martin/ Pastor Bob"


Back in 83 when I became a Christian I started reading about cults for some reason. Come to find out I was surrounded by JW's, Jehovah Witnesses.
One book that really helped my was written by Walter Martin, who as some of you know had the long running radio show, "The Bible Answer Man"
Walter passed away and Hank Hanagraph [sp] has his show now
The show deals with cults and false teachings that have crept into the church.
Anyway, he wrote a book called the Kingdom of the Cults.
He points out that SDA, Seventh Day Adventists, and the Catholic Church are not cults. It is because they share the same bible and believe in salvation only thru Jesus Christ.
Now several here disagree, but I don't.
In Revelations one of the seven churches had a false prophetess, like the SDA, however they were not called a cult, they were just told to not be deceived by her. In fact none of the 7 churches with all there faults were called cults. These types of churches continually exist until today. Almost  all have issues they have to deal with, like us.
The Catholic Church has many faults, the older the church the more problems. But they have access to the same words.
Pastor Bob makes his case for the King James Bible
He quotes his extensive studies..
However I have found few scholars who will agree on all points
Joe Viel, Jovial, also has quite an impressive biblical and original language education.
These 2 disagree in their interpretation.
Many of us do  not have that sort of teaching.
Jesus did not require us to be scholars to be followers of Jesus
But does ask us to use common sense
If a scripture is hard to understand
Try another, version, there are many ways to say the same thing.
Saying that King James is the only legitimate translation is a red neck argument.
There are many wonderful translations that are legitimate
ALL of them have their good points and short comings including the King James.