Fay (7 Sep 2014)
"TH - Life in the Low Room"


Hi John and Doves,

TH - Well written.......AND it hit a note. I find myself pondering on the book of Job more and more. I know, as falsely proud and inherently sinful humans, we need to be stripped of everything before we fully accept the ultimate sacrifice of our LORD Jesus. We have to be brought down to our lowest. Grief and despair. Some of us may be luckier and 'get it' before the harsh lessons are brought to bare. I cried like a baby when I was baptised (as an adult in my late 20's). I KNEW that I would be put through the mill - chastened and refined by grief and trouble. I fought it all the way. My (then) Pastor firmly set a date for my public baptism - refusing to accept my protestations of 'not being ready'. Although my faith was not as embedded (consciously) as it is today, I knew I was in for a rough ride, once I had been baptised. How grateful I am now. Not so much, at the time! Haha.

I feel, deeply, that our LORD is near. There is a climax that is building, building, building. I know - deep inside - that we will be given a heads up when our longed for rapture is at the door. It's so close now that I feel it whispering to me - even when I sleep. We are all hyper aware of unfolding Bible prophecy - scarily unfolding Bible prophecy. However, I believe that there will come a point in time that we will all be driven to our knees - knowing, for sure, that our redemption draws nigh.

We are so blessed. Thank you LORD, for choosing us.

Blessings to all.
