Elliot Hong (7 Sep  2014)
"The Supermoon of Elul and The 2nd Blood Moon"

Dear Doves:
Remember how spectacular the Supermoon of Av 15 was?
I thought it was the symbol of the Bride who prepared herself with 30% extra oil.
Amazingly, this coming Full Moon of Elul is the Supermoon as well.
It seems that 1 final extra month is given for the Bride to be ready as like the Supermoon.
In my opinion, the 2nd Blood Moon is for the Peace Treaty, and in order the Peace Treaty
to be signed by Oct.8, "The Removal of the Restrainer" should happen at least 1 month earlier.
This is why I think the Supermoon of Elul(9/8) is a good possibility for our Blessed Hope.
If there will be <3 days of darkness>, it might begin from this coming Supermoon, and the 13th
anniversary of 911 could be the Day of 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3.
11 means Judgment.
Ariel Sharon passed on 1/11 this year, and Tim Tebow won the miraculous game in 11 seconds
of the Sudden Death on 1/8, 2012.
This is just my theory and hope, not date setting.