Donna Danna (7 Sep 2014)
""Blasphemy Challenge" Encourages People to Curse God"

"Blasphemy Challenge" Encourages People to Curse God
An internet challenge is calling upon people to post a clip of them cursing God or rejecting the Holy Spirit’s work in their lives. The so called "Blasphemy Challenge” is a way to promote atheism, according to promoters.
Promoters are even sending free DVD documentaries against Christianity to teens who complete the challenge and post their video online. "It (the blasphemy challenge) exposes the crock that is Christian doctrine,” one of the project's organizers told Fox News.
The challenge comes from Mark 3:29 when Jesus says, “whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.”
(The Blasphemy Challenge has already given away their limit of 1001 DVDs, but below is what they said in their challenge.  It is shocking that they want people to damn their souls to Hell.)
The Blasphemy Challenge
Do You Have A Soul You Are Not Using?
The Rational Response Squad is giving away 1001 DVDs of The God Who Wasn't There, the hit documentary that the Los Angeles Times calls "provocative -- to put it mildly."
There's only one catch: We want your soul.
It's simple. You record a short message damning yourself to Hell, you upload it to YouTube, and then the Rational Response Squad will send you a free The God Who Wasn't There DVD. It's that easy. 
You may damn yourself to Hell however you would like, but somewhere in your video you must say this phrase: "I deny the Holy Spirit."
Why? Because, according to Mark 3:29 in the Holy Bible, "Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin." Jesus will forgive you for just about anything, but he won't forgive you for denying the existence of the Holy Spirit. Ever. This is a one-way road you're taking here.