David H (7 Sep 2014)
"What is missing here? A Puzzle"


I am reluctant to do the following post, but feel led to do so.

The following, was written by Pastor Bob. I Like much of what he writes, but from the very first letter he wrote, there was something missing. Even after all of those posts, I enjoy many of them, and can agree with them. In writing this, I am in no way questioning his faith, nor denying his service to the church. I Both respect him, and hope that this will only edify him. Though coming off more like a rebuke, my hope is that he will respond appropriately.

Though he has not given my questions any answers in the past, with the exception of the Israel DNA study, which had little to do with Biblical understanding, I have not made a big stink about it, though it has "irked" me, and left me wondering why. I will place the following quote from him, and ask all who read this quote, What is Missing? The Missing element here is why I believe he has been reluctant to address my question.

Quoted from the following:

"I'm 78, have been in ministry 53 years, I have majored academically in the study of history, and church history, through fourteen years of higher education, and fifty years as a pastor. While one or two posters on this site would like you to believe the KJV Bible is unreliable, that is simply not true. I'm not a "King James Only" cultist as some have inferred or subliminally stated. I have at my fingertips every Greek/Hebrew and English translation in existence to compare against each other. I have four computer Bible software programs, not to mention, over a thousand reference works on computer, accessible in seconds."
 For those who figure this "puzzle" out, Now you know. To those who do not, Pray for understanding.

God Bless.