Chelsea Brown (7 Sep 2014)
"The Heptadic Structure of Scripture"


Pastor Bob and Doves :

Thank you for mentioning Ivan Panin's amazing research. Shortly before Panin died in 1942 it was noted that there is not only a single design of the number "7" in every verse, both Old Testament and New Testament, but that there was a "TRIPLE design of "7" in every verse.I am trying to recall the Three designs ; Place Value, Order Value, and a Numeric value, I think. Each calculation was independent, every Bible verse contained all three.

This triple "7" verse design is in addition to all of the other designs of "7" Panin detailed in his extensive writings. Some of Panin's classic published works were : The Last Twelve Verses of Mark, Bible Chronology, Bible Numerics, Genesis 1:1. I recall- the book is not in front of me-- that the Last Twelve Verses of Mark contained some 60 pages of designs of "7".  Panin was an amusing and interesting writer, very skilled with words. Karl Sabiers also wrote a fascinating book on Panin's findings titled , Astounding Bible Discoveries.

A German gentleman, Gustav Hoyer, had fled the Nazis in 1939 and moved to the US. Mr Hoyer and his wife, Lydia, worked for two years with Panin until 1942 and then continued the work in Chicago for many years after Panin died.  Hoyer died about 1992. I managed to meet Mr Hoyer briefly in the 1980's in his Chicago home. Between Panin and Hoyer the two had some 90 years combined research, tabulating letters, words,gematria, etc. Some might say they had too much time on their hands. I say they will be counted as mighty people in the Lord's eyes. Like Mary, they desired to sit at His feet, to learn and search His Word.