Charles (7 Sep 2014)
"California Hosea prophecy and vision"

It's happening now what a saw in 2012

The sign we need to specifically watch for:

But my belief is I was given a particular sign to watch for starfish washing up on Coranado beach on a full moon. In the dream that was a three set EQ warning. It has yet to come to pass. From a post June 2012!

The next full moon is September 8th three days after it's  9/11 on a Thursday. I really don't know what to say except watch and test the spirits.

I had a dream the rapture was on a Thursday! But I really feel we have next year after the tetrad maybe next rosh but that's just my gut I don't have any nudge here.

None of this was occurring in March of 2012! We saw the invertebrates wash up before the 6.1!

If Hosea continues there may soon be nothing to wash ashore!

I don't know when what I saw occurs just there was a full moon, invertebrates and starfish washing ashore and a beach others said matched one in Southern California. Three days after the moon was an EQ. With so much washing ashore will anyone notice if it does occur will we know. All I can say is what I have learned about full moon pulling effects and seeing invertebrates wash ashore before the 6.1 I understand the why of what I saw but am in no way able to say when or more then watch. I cannot except the news stories. I am both amazed I saw this beforehand and helpless to say when. I can only say watch during the full moons. Test the spirits.