Charles (7 Sep 2014)
"West Coast Sealife"

See what I saw in 2011 and 2012 had not started to occur yet. It has to be soon or there is nothing left to wash ashore.

I am truly sorry I did not warn better or harder I ask you to forgive me. I ask you to take seriously Gods word through Jesus Christ and come out of this place spiritually if your called and chosen to pick up the cross watch warn pray you may be accounted to escape the wrath to come.

The condemnation is refusing to retain knowledge of God and give Him glory and honor by acknowledging His Son Jesus as Lord and Savior in not words but deeds and walking in the truth.

Please watch this next full moon and if you see the sign of invertebrates washing ashore along the coast please warn then test the spirits.

I don't know when but it has to be soon a week a year just watch.