Charles (28 Sep 2014)
"Jan J read your post after my reply to Joe I am shaking"


I am shaking and trembling my post that replied to Joe and Marylin the wording I used my laying out of what I had been led to reading your post after it was the same matching he used the phrase mmm where did I see that before so did I yet I never read your post it was after Joe's and Marylins. This is important to say I did not read your post until after in spirit I spent an hour on mine.

A confirmation of your confirmation of my post and reply.

I would have never been convicted to had I not been watching and searching for the answer why what I was seeing matched the first five seals and Mathew 24 was the lynchpin.

Add the blood moon tetrad and Shemitah cycle beginning next year and I see why we are still here defying the conventional don't watch it will all pan out apathy and that the sixth seal can occur after next years total eclipse and the first of the last two blood moons and we should watch. It also means the beginning of sorrows we are in is the manifesting first five seals.

I am shaking and deeply sad that The Lord is coming and very few understand the bride watches for her groom to come and sweep her away.

Is not that engagement?

I was told to stop chirping about the rapture today. I sadly thought the family member who said this does not know my canary in the mine analogy so I said that and was told because I was using up the oxygen. Basically the problem is we see all this stuff coming to pass in the bible because we look for it! Huh so I am sad because Jesus is coming for a watching waiting bride and so few know they need to turn off tv and look up. I am trying chirp chirp chirp! Jesus is coming look up redemption draws near. But the world rushes ahead not knowing where that leads.

Be still in The Lord and the power of His might. I thank you for your encouragement I have no one in person to watch and extol me to patiently wait.