Charles (28 Sep 2014)
"More thoughts rapture window"


What started as a quest to understand why we were still here and my seeing what we are through the walk through Mathew 24 and the epiphany that all the rapture verses said wrath and the day of wrath is identified in the scripture as the sixth seal and that comes after the sun going dark and moon blood red I realized why Christ said watch. Because the open door is the faithful Philadelphia church right because the bride watches for her groom right but also because we would know the season.

The last blood moon tetrad is one witness the shemitah cycle the second witness,

The clues what if I tarry to John, to the wise virgins, are only going to connect to those God gives insight to who have enough of the word stored in them so He can connect the dots!

We know the season from after the April full moon to three days after Rosh 2015 only because those two witnesses point to it now was the time for the books to be opened and the angel said the wise will understand not by our own wisdom.