Brenda (28 Sep 2014)
"re; Joe Chappell; reply to Charles"

Joe that was a good point. Went to the scripture and after your point it just jumped off the page. We the Church must stay as a witness til the 144000 are sealed.....and I thought well of course that's it for the Lord always must have a witness here. Then the next thing is beginning verse nine is the, "great multitude" that would be the Church and we're in heaven........praising God.
I've been of the belief that we would depart at the sixth seal after the earthquake, stars falling and the darkness. That's what the Lord showed me in a dream in 2010. Now evidently this is all going to happen really fast at the 6th seal.....along with the 144000 being sealed. It all fits so well now for me. Thanks Joe and Charles.