Bob Anderson (28 Sep 2014)
"re: PAstor Bob .... castor oil ... Reply: To Mike Thompson"

Thank you, Mike from me also. I have a plethora of eye problems myself despite retaining 20/20 vision. But, the close work, the fine print. is now difficult. And I have "wet eye", which my eye doc insists is "dry eye". Who makes this stuff up? Anyway, I've been squirting castor oil in my eyes now for a week. The fine print resolution has definitely improved. As to the rest, I'll have to wait for my next exam at the end of October.

Caution. If anyone else tries this, make sure you buy the stuff from a health food store and not a pharmacy. The pharmacy product is not pure; it contains additives.



Pastor Bob (21 Sep 2014)
"Reply:  To Mike Thompson"

Hi Mike:

Thanks for the tip on castor oil for cataracts.  Have checked out your link and I will be heading to pharmacy tomorrow to get me some pharmaceutical grade castor oil.  I have been taking extra doses of Beta-Carotean and Lieuteen which has helped slow the process down.  Several other sites were positive on castor oil.  I'm very thankful for your recommendation.

God bless,

Pastor Bob