Rudy Wallace (29 Sep 2013)
"Isaiah 24:01 The world is turned upside down!"

Isaiah 24:01
Behold, the LORD makes the earth empty, and makes it waste, and turns it upside down, and scatters abroad the inhabitants thereof.
A Possile Rapture Scenario in the Sixth Seal
1. Comet Ison makes a close approach between the sun and the Earth.
2. The gravitational pull of the huge comet sets off a massive earthquake on the Earth.
3. The dust and debris from the earthquake clouds the sun so that it does not appear to shine.
4. The dust and debris cause the moon to appear red.
5. The meteor shower and debris from the comet appear as the stars falling from heaven.
Then.....if the earth is turned upside down at that time, due to the resulting extra gravitational pull from the comet, ( the earth is already tilted 23.5 degrees) then the inhabitants would indeed be scattered abroad.  A great explanation for the rapture.  The world would say that all of the missing people in the world were "flung off" the planet when it flipped.
The powers to be know of Ison's approach and could, if Ison doesn't fall into the sun but keeps coming toward us, take precautions before the damage occured by hiding in the rocks and the caves, (DUMBS- Deep Underground Military Bases).
The resulting flip would also produce huge Tsumanis....Luke 21:25  And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
The flip could also cause the stars to "appear" to be falling as the flip was taking place.
Read about the sixth seal of Revelation and see what else happens in the seal.....a worldwide rapture!!
Not saying this is it, but the ingredients are there to make the cake.