Rudy Wallace (29 Sep 2013)
"WOW! September 26th, 5 Doves Posts"

September 26th, 5 Doves
WOW!! Today's 5 Doves was one of the most power packed day's postings I have seen since viewing this site.  There are so many events occuring on the prophetic time line that its difficult to keep up with them all.  Those who know Jesus and take His Word literally, cannot listen to the news and observe the events in front of our faces without knowing that we are indeed a breath away from the rapture.
To Jim Bramlett concerning comet spirit is stirring as to the possibility that this coment could bring about the sixth seal, which also includes a worldwide rapture.
And B.G. Ellis, thank you for all the good youtube videos you post and for taking the time to dig out all of the good information that educates us further on the nearness of our Savior's return for us.
And John....thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to post all of these letters.
Ladies and gentlemen, I believe October 2013 will be a significant month for us who watch and hope and I look forward to your upcoming findings and comments.
To God be all glory and honor!!!