Randy (29 Sep 2013)
"Bringing it ALL Together:  The Blood Moon Tetrad AND the DOW Jones Drops on 9/29/08 AND 7 years earlier on 9/17/2001 !!"

Well, well well......
Some theories NEVER die......lol....
Anyone familiar with the Jewish Day of  Shemittah ??
Found this article today:  The Shemittah and Financial Collapse
Article pulls some information as well from the Book:
The Harbinger
Shemittah:  Definition:  at the end of every seven years you shall grant a release of debts. And this is the form of the release: Every creditor who has lent anything to his neighbor shall release it; he shall not require it of his neighbor or his brother, because it is called the Lord’s release. Deut 15:1-2
This release always takes place on the Hebrew calendar of Elul 29.
In 2001 that day fell on September 17th, just 6 days after 9/11.
The stock market fell dramatically around the world. On this day at the end of this 7 year period, the US Dow dropped 7 percent!
On Rosh Hashanah, 2001, 6 days AFTER 9-11 changed the World and the United States FOREVER........
the US stock market re-opened.  And IT FELL that day 648.8 points,........OR 7%
On Rosh Hashanah, 2008....7 years later.....again on ROSH HASHANAH/ the Shemittah.....
the US Stock Market FELL   777.68 points.  
RECAP of the 7's....
1) Just after 911, 2001 - DOW falls 7%
2) 7 years later.........     
3) DOW falls 777 points......      BOTH Drops on Rosh Hashanah/Shmettiah.
And if you go forward 7 MORE YEARS??????
Where does THAT FALL?  
Rosh Hashanah/shemittah is on:    Sept 13, 2015.
NOW Bring in the Blood Moon Tetrads:  The 4th and FINAL Blood Moon Tetrad is ALSO on 9/13/2015 ! 
OK.....so the question becomes:
1) Did the DOW drop in Sept 2001 POINT to the DOW drop in Sept 2008?
2) Did they BOTH POINT to something BIG in Sept 2015?  On the LAST Blood Moon Tetrad?
and, of course
3) Does the upcoming Blood Moon Tetrads point to:
-the Rapture?
-the Start of the Tribulation
-the Peace Treaty for Israel?
-the next great war for Israel?
-the Destruction of Damascus?
and ALL we have been watching and waiting for?????
I dunno..........
the good news is this:  We have only 7 months until the FIRST of the Blood Moon Tetrads begin, in April 2014....
And we have only 2 years until Sept 2015.  (At least it's not FOUR YEARS, and FIVE YEARS as it was from Sept 2008.......until 2012.....until now, 2013 !!) 
7 months is not long to wait at all!! 
And with ALL that is going on with Iran/Obama/Israel/Syria/the Middle East/Russia/and the US and World Economies......   it IS an EXCITING Time to be a Christian and to be watching End Times Events play out in front of us Daily / Weekly / Monthly!!
TICK TOCK..................................
PS..is THIS the link I was searching and praying for to connect ALL THE dots?   We shall see!      
PPS......IF we are STILL HERE in September 2015.......I DON'T WANT TO BE IN THE MARKET AT THAT POINT!!!