Michele Kennedy (29 Sep 2013)
"John B"

Hi John!
You asked me how I know that the Dream is Spiritual and when it's just a dream.  

Well, for me,  I DONT usually remember anything upon awakening.  BUT when I do, It is most every time a dream that I can say is Spiritual.  

Like dreaming of the Flood in 10/26/01…a Major and the 1st and Most Profound dream I had ever had.  I KNEW it was from the Lord and can still rehearse the details with all the emotions behind it today!  (i did just the other day to my parents too!  Scared my Mom I think!)

The dreams I have don't vex my soul or flesh in which I don't feel rested as you say you have.  Im sorry to hear that your being tormented sometimes by these dreams.

I have a love to study the Word of God and see 'in-between the lines' sorta speak, in a prophetical sense.  the Dreams He gives me that I know are from the Lord ( i remember them and they are impressed on my soul and spirit)  when I take them to Study on, I will be amazed at the findings!

Like the dream of the Itching Ear being 3022 and that I bent his finger Backward and it was like RUBBER and kept it shape.  BACKWARD was 322 number!  I am not smart enough to prefigure anything I find, and it's always a great joy when I find a substantial correlation numerically or Thematically.  

322 is also the SKULL and BONES number and I noticed that others are talking about this 322 number recently on FiveDoves!

If I were you John, I think I would just ask the Lord to bless you with Dreams He wants to reveal to you and that He would grant you peace and rest while you sleep and dream.

The dream you had about Terra Sylvia was just so very specific John and Unique that one must take notice when the name comes up and then you FOUND the name too!   

I believe the Lord is showing you how to hear his voice in your dreams and search for the answers.  Not always fulfilled as we think it is referring to, for God lives in Eternity but we live in NOW.  God see's it as FINISHED, and impresses us with a thought or dream or revelation NOW, in our Day and Time, but His time is without END.  
Amazing and really Mind Blowing to contemplate, but will give you more grace when we make the mistake on TIMING.  ;0)  

We are all just seeing  thru a glass Dimly for we only have a piece of the Big Puzzle called TIME.  

Just keep looking for Him to Return for Us, and may the Lord Bless those of us who Desire to Hear from the Holy Spirit open our ears of understanding!

God Bless you Brother John!

See you Soon!
