Harvey Troyer (29 Sep 2013)
"Amazing New Insights and Confirmations that Tabernacles 2013 Season is the correct time for the Rapture and Sudden Destruction"


September 27, 2013 [Friday, Charity ‘Day 6’]


Dear John Tng and all Faithful and Beloved Doves


Subject:  Amazing New Insights and Confirmations that Tabernacles 2013 Season is the correct time for the Rapture and Sudden Destruction

Psalm 90:12(AKJV)  So teach us to number our days,
that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom

The ending of Psalm 90:10(AKJV) reads: …for it is soon cut off, and we fly away!

Get ready to fly doves!


[KALAN SMITH’S DREAM TRANSCRIPT HIGHLIGHTED]:  From my Five Doves post February 1, 2012

What I paid attention to the most was the CLOCK! The hands on this clock were moving around the clock very fast but every 2 or 3 or so seconds, the minute hand would stop on 7, and the hour hand would stop on 2     

AND THEN  start moving around the clock real fast again..it did this 3 times. the odd thing was that the 2 on this clock, was where you would usually find the 5.

NOW AFTER it did this 3 times of landing on 7 and 2.. all of a sudden the clock hands landed on 15 and 1. The minute hand on 15, the hour hand on 1. The 15 replaced the 7, and the 1 replaced the 2. http://images.bravenet.com/common/images/smilies/11_confused.gif...

Then, in my dream, I hopped out the bed saying 7 and 2, 7 and 2, 7 and 2. 15 and 1 these numbers to myself trying to make sure I remembered them so I can write them down..
Then i woke up.. I have NO IDEA what this means..

Here is my newly updated interpretation of Kalan A. Smith’s dream of January 28, 2012.  This is truly amazing, at least to me it is.  It really is much easier to understand now that we have finally arrived at the fulfillment time IMHO. 

First, the Lord was calling our attention to watch the 27 day on the calendar and I now see that it is the 27th day (Friday) of September, 2013.  This day is also the 7th Day of Tabernacles (Tishri 21) on God’s Torah Calendar.


1.  First Kalan saw 2-3 very quick spins (every 2-3 seconds long) of the clock hands and they stopped on 7 and 2àin clockwise movement this would more correctly be 27 or  the 27th day of the month since there can never be a 72nd day of any month!


2. The “3” rapid spinnings of both clock hands means “fast forward 3 days” thus ending January 2012.[Stop]


3. The landing of the hands on the “7” and “2” mean the following: 


a) “2” = “2nd Month” or February.


b) “7” = “7” days and also matches and represents “Charity’s Day Measuring Template” [Psalm 90:12].  We are to watch Feb 7th, Feb 14th, and Feb 21st  [7 days = (a Charity template) x 3(spins).]


Notes added in blue September 27, 2013.  See how I correctly identified a grid of 21 days or 3 weeks in the month of February 2012 (above).  Now that we have arrived in September 2013 (Tishri 5774), just click on Torah Calendar.com and see that in the month of Tishri the first 21 days are this same grid of 21 days from Rosh Hashanah to the 7th day of Sukkot or Tabernacles.



Think about what just happened at the United Nations Annual Meetings in New York City this week and especially how it ended up today as Obama put Israel into an untenable position vis-à-vis Syria and Iran.  Click on the following Debkafile Special Report  September 27, 2013, 11:05 AM (IDT)


US appeasement of Iran drowns Israel’s military option against nuclear Iran or chemical Syria


***Please Read This Debkafile Article!***


Pasted from <http://www.debka.com/article/23314/US-appeasement-of-Iran-drowns-Israel’s-military-option-against-nuclear-Iran-or-chemical-Syria->

1)  Isaiah 21:2(NIV)  A dire vision has been shown to me:
The traitor betrays, the looter takes loot.
Elam, attack! Media, lay siege!
I will bring to an end all the groaning she caused.

2)  Isaiah Chapter 33:1(NIV) Woe to you, destroyer,
you who have not been destroyed!
Woe to you, betrayer,
you who have not been betrayed!
When you stop destroying,
you will be destroyed;
when you stop betraying,
you will be betrayed.


And don’t forget that Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah are tacked onto the end of Tabernacles, especially for Israel’s diaspora.  Please read the following four paragraphs from my last Five Doves article posted September 26, 2013.

Let me quickly point out to you that on God’s Torah Calendar, Tabernacles Day 5, Day 6 and Day 7 align perfectly on Charity’s Template Day 5, Day 6, and Day 7.  This is totally amazing as are the calendar numbers and their gematria meanings.  Let me show you.


On the Torah Calendar we have Tishri 19—Faith (Thursday), 20—Redemption (Friday), 21—Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin (Saturday—Sabbath), 22—Day of Light (Sunday the Lord’s Day—Shemini Atzeret), 23—Day of Death—Simchat Torah (Monday, Monday), 24—Priesthood (Tuesday)—Israel Set Apart.


On our Gregorian Calendar we have September 26—the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Thursday), 27—Preaching of the Gospel (Friday), 28—Eternal Life (Saturday—Sabbath), 29—Departure (Sunday the Lord’s Day)—Shemini Atzeret), 30—Blood of Jesus Christ; Dedication—Simchat Torah (Monday, Monday), October 1, 2013—New Beginnings; Unity—Israel Set Apart.


This truly seems to me to be the perfect alignment in time, days and prophesied events to fulfill the Rapture and Sudden Destruction.  Here is the URL LINK to my article of September 26.



Now let’s switch back to Kalan’s dream at the very end and notice some new interpretations or revelations.

Concerning the 21 day grid description, at the end Kalan says:  the odd thing was that the 2 on this clock was where you would usually find the 5.  He says that then all of a sudden the clock hands landed on 15 and 1.  The minute hand on 15, the hour hand on 1.  The 15 replaced the 7, and the 1 replaced the 2.   Soo… we could write this as 1:15 or 115 = (5—Grace x 23—Death).  This would mean that on the 27th day of September Grace will end and it’s Death to the New World Order boys and girls.

It could also be written 151 and according to the following website 151 = Jesus Christ; 151 = the Holy Spirit; and, 151 = PATER NOSTER.



This is also a cool way of saying that the coming of Jesus Christ will fulfill the Fall Feasts starting with Tishri 1 (also recognized as the 7th ecclesiastical month, i.e. 7 replaced by 15 and then add the 1 (Rosh Hashanah) = 151. 

the odd thing was that the 2 on this clock, was where you would usually find the 5.

NOW AFTER it did this 3 times of landing on 7 and 2.. all of a sudden the clock hands landed on 15 and 1. The minute hand on 15, the hour hand on 1. The 15 replaced the 7, and the 1 replaced the 2. http://images.bravenet.com/common/images/smilies/11_confused.gif...

The interpolation or interpositioning of the 1 and 2, in retrospect, could mean the moving of the second month of February 2012 to Tishri 2013, since Tishri is recognized as the first (1st) Jewish civil calendar month and 7th ecclesiastical calendar month.  The interpositioning of the 2 and 5 could simply be calling attention to the 5—Grace (or the Dispensation of Grace) coming to an end on this dating scenario at the end of Tabernacles!


Friday September 27 2013, 14:44:54 UTC

2 hours ago

Western Turkey





Please notice that right on queue on this 7th day of Tabernacles we have the EQ with 5--Grace x 23--Death = 115 as I just described to you above.  The hour is 14 (Rev 14:14 Harvest of the Earth and Trampling of the Winepress); the minute is 44 (Judgment of the World) and 54 = (2 x 27—Preaching of the Gospel of Christ—27 is also the day; the month = 9 (Divine Completeness from the Father; the year 2013 subsums to 33 = Promise.

Friday September 27 2013, 14:44:09 UTC

2 hours ago

Antofagasta, Chile





Now look at this; within the same minute as above our Almighty God shows this amazing sign which leaped out at me because I know the Gematria Bible Wheel verses for 130.  I have posted a number of times about the Cup of the Lord’s Wrath being found in Isaiah 51:17-23(NIV).


The Cup of the Lord’s Wrath

17 Awake, awake!
Rise up, Jerusalem,
you who have drunk from the hand of the Lord
the cup of his wrath,
you who have drained to its dregs
the goblet that makes people stagger.
18 Among all the children she bore
there was none to guide her;
among all the children she reared
there was none to take her by the hand.
19 These double calamities have come upon you—
who can comfort you?—
ruin and destruction, famine and sword—
who can console you?
20 Your children have fainted;
they lie at every street corner,
like antelope caught in a net.
They are filled with the wrath of the Lord,
with the rebuke of your God.

21 Therefore hear this, you afflicted one,
made drunk, but not with wine.

22 This is what your Sovereign Lord says,
your God, who defends his people:
“See, I have taken out of your hand
the cup that made you stagger;
from that cup, the goblet of my wrath,
you will never drink again.
23 I will put it into the hands of your tormentors,
who said to you,
‘Fall prostrate that we may walk on you.’
And you made your back like the ground,
like a street to be walked on.”

Notice that the above 2 EQ's are both timed for Rev 14:14 Harvesting the Earth and Trampling the Winepress Again…44 = Judgment of the world….and 9 = Divine Completeness from the Father.


Notice that Gematria 130 is coupled with 26 = (2 x 13--Apostacy;  Depravity and Rebellion) and, Gematria 130 uniquely pulls up Isaiah 51:23 the capstone verse of Isaiah 51:17-23 The Cup of the Lords Wrath, which is obviously being fulfilled right now over the Syria Chemical Weapon's false flag debacle.


Here are three key verses  that come to my mind concerning this "AMBUSH" that the LORD has set for America the Babylon using Bashar Assad and Vladimir Putin as his agents to spring the trap and catch Babylon naked to the whole world and guilty of endless crimes against God and all humanity.

SEE ISAIAH 47:11 AND JEREMIAH 50:24; JER 51:12


Isaiah 47:11(NIV) Disaster will come upon you, and you will not know how to conjure it away.  A calamity will fall upon you that you cannot ward off with a ransom; a catastrophe you cannot foresee will suddenly come upon you.


Jeremiah 50:24(NIV) I set a trap for you, Babylon, and you were caught before you knew it; you were found and captured because you opposed the Lord.

Jeremiah 51:12(NIV) Lift up a banner against the walls of Babylon!  Reinforce the guard, station the watchmen, PREPARE AN AMBUSH! 

The Lord will carry out his purpose, his decree against the people of Babylon.

Notice Am for America + Bush for "the burning Bushes" = Ambush.  These bums and their coherts will live in infamy for all eternity for what they have done!  It started big time with 9-11 and it will end with this "AM" …"BUSH"!  Their legacy will be to have led the SHEEPLE of America into the SLAUGHTER HOUSE.  But the most guilty, IMHO, are the preachers of America who let this happen on their watch while they PREACHED TO THE SHEEPLE WITH EYES WIDE SHUT!!!!!!!  Their teleprompter reading boy puppet has not worked out so well, has he?


My first interpretation of Kalan Smith’s dream was published as a PDF Article dated February 1, 2012.  Click on the following URL LINK if you want to refer to that article.


In my last Five Doves post of Thursday, September 26, 2013 I wrote the following:


How many days are there between Thursday November 1, 2012 (Cheshvan 17) and Thursday September 26, 2013?  Answer:  [329 Days or (7x47) Daysà329—Gematria Links to Daniel 3:17 & Daniel 6:27 (our God is able to deliver from the Fiery Furnace and the Lions!)  Just think of the 7x47 as the Charity ‘Day 5’ countdown signal for the arrival of God’s Supersonic Boeing 747 Rapture Flight to Heaven to take his beloved Bride out of here.]


Here is the Earthquake that matches this statement.


Tuesday September 24 2013, 14:58:04 UTC

2 hours ago

Central Alaska






Thursday September 26 2013, 13:56:31 UTC

Southern Alaska






Notice that 841 = (29--Departure x 29--Departure) and 12 = Governmental Perfection!  I was also astounded to find that there are 840 days (24—Priesthood x 35—Blessed Hope—the Rapture) from Harvey Troyer’s Rapture Dream on June 14, 2011 (Flag Day) to Monday, Monday September 30, 2013. Did you notice that the above 747 is coupled with 14 (Deliverance; Salvation). Also, the fact that the 29 x 29 = 841 followed my 840 days Rapture Dream discovery and the Supersonic Boeing 747 Rapture Flight to Heaven declaration, it was surely the LORD saying back to me, confirmation for reservations confirmed!


I also wrote the following on my Five Doves post of September 26, 2013.


Now let my share with you an especially exciting discovery that the Lord revealed to me concerning Dr. David Owuor. On April 27, 2011, the very day that Pastor David Wilkerson was killed in a car crash in east Texas, Dr. David Owuor was given a very powerful word from the Lord that “time is completely now over and the Rapture can now happen at any moment”.

Dr David Owuor’s LATEST PROPHECY ON RAPTURE-April 27, 2011


So I checked on the following timelines and was astounded at what I saw.  Let me show you.


How many days are there between April 27, 2011 and Monday, Monday, September 23, 2013?  Answer:  880 Days

How many days are there between April 27, 2011 and Monday, Monday, September 30, 2013?  Answer:  888 Daysßthe Greek Gematria of Jesus

Concerning this 888 sign mentioned here relating to Dr Owuor, I am certain that I read that Kalan Smith later remembered that he saw what he thought were infinity symbols like the number 8 lying on its side revolving around each other on the ceiling.

Think about how that fits in with this latest discovery of 888 as I showed you in my last post; and, how this all fits with Kalan’s dream of January 28, 2012.


Please pray mightily for the protection of God’s People (Israel) by God Yahweh and His Son Yeshuah HaMashiach, who is King of the Jews. May Michael the great Prince of Israel and all his mighty warriors now stand up to protect the Holy People of Israel from all of their Luciferian enemies! Amen and Amen!

Maranatha! (Come Quickly Lord Jesus!)

Harvey Troyer (YBIC)
Emmaus Road Ministries