Hal Brooks (29 Sep 2013)
"Jim Bramlett Sept 23 and Isaiah 7 connection"


A few years ago I proposed a linkage between the prophecy of Isaiah 7 and our own times. Recall that the prophecy outlined in verse 8 involved a time frame of 65 years for fulfillment. A “miracle child” was to be born as a sign. Yet the sign was not the prophecy, it rather inaugurated a time frame that spanned the fulfillment of that prophecy. The threat to Jerusalem coming from the northern kingdom of Ephraim/Israel and Aram/Syria against Jerusalem would be removed. In fact the northern kingdom would even cease to be a “people”. My proposal linked a possible modern day fulfillment starting with the birth of modern state of Israel in May 14, 1948…a country born in a day just as predicted in Isaiah 66:8. I further speculated that the so-called Palestinian “people” would cease to exist as any threat to Israel within the same time frame of 65 years. Aram/Syria would be finished as well. Alas for my hypothesis, on May 14, 2013 the 65th birthday of Israel came and went, howbeit with some considerable fanfare in Israel. I assumed the idea was dead in the water.
Recently I discovered the Targum Jonathan, a commentary widely respected in Jewish circles. This targum was composed before Jesus time on earth and in large measure reflects ancient rabbinical understanding of the text. Interesting then that the Targum for Isaiah indicates “at the end of threescore and five years” instead of “within 65 years” the general modern translation for verse 8.
So what does this mean? Years ago my proposal for consideration forecast a process which would be completed, as we now understand it, at the end of 65 years. Folks we just passed the end of the 65 years. That would mean that before next spring (May 14th on the solar calendar or perhaps May 5th if we use the Hebrew date of 5 Iyar) something very big is going to happen. Interesting that there is talk of a specific nine month negotiations process and 1 Thessalonians 5:3 refers to Labor pains which immediately follow. The timeframe exactly matches that outlined in the Sept 23 letter of Jim Bramlett.
In 1 Samuel 13 we read the story of how King Saul panicked as the Philistines were assembling in enormous numbers at Michmas. Thinking Samuel would never come, Saul took matters into his own hands. The kingdom was then torn away from him. Note that Samuel came at the very last possible point in time, just when all hope was lost. Yet God is never late! (even if our nerves give out in the waiting) His timing is perfect. I for one expect Israel to be delivered from the vice grips of world pressure. I am not sure Bibi Netanyahu is up to the task. I pray he is, or that someone more courageous takes his place in the “Valley of Decision”. And I expect this deliverance to arrive by next spring, the last possible fulfillment time for the prophecy of Isaiah.

Hal B