Dale (26 Sep 2013)
"Nicole Poon: Wedding Visions"

Eighteen "wedding" visions from Nicole Poon's site, listed in order by date.


Dale <><

17 September 2011 (no caption)

30 November 2011/ A bride was in a very gorgeous wedding dress with two little flying angels standing before a mirror. It felt like the bride had already ready.

03 December 2011/ Firstly a Chinese wedding red flower was shown, and then a narrow gate appeared behind of that, at last two baby angels appeared and they holding two transparent curtains with pearl sparkle at the both side of the top of the gate. It seemed like a Heavenly wedding was about to start.

24 December 2011/ The gauze of a wedding dress of a bride was hanging down among the clouds in the sky.

28 December 2011/ Behind of a bride's dress, there was an ox rushing towards in a festival. It puzzled us. So then I asked God if it meant that time is imminent like that. God answered, "Yes!"

07 January 2012/ In my prayer, I still asked God for helping to solve the problems we were facing; if He was really coming soon, come quickly. God showed two flat of the clocks; one was moving in clockwise; another one was in counter-clockwise. Each of them had a dark shadow was moving; if they get together, they would become a complete circle shadow. A missile appeared in the centre of them. Below were God's Hands holding a wedding bouquet above the earth.

07 January 2012/ A beautiful bride holding a bouquet was ready to throw it back. Behind the transparent curtains there was a chair and the stairs. Two doves were flying upward. It seemed God did not answer my asking about worldly things; He only showed the rapture.

11 February 2012/ I still asked for Jesus' soon coming, God showed His eyes looked like an eagle's eyes; He was looking over His bride and her bridesmaids were in white robes standing in front of the cross.

17 February 2012/ In my prayer, I thanked God for His listening and leading; God showed His Hand holding a bouquet with a rainbow and a bee. That were the flowers on the side of the narrow road.

11 June 2012/ I still prayed for those who waiting for the Lord, God showed a bride with her maid standing in the sunshine and the rain, the bridesmaid was holding an umbrella without cloth, it was strange that its skeleton was a spring. It puzzled us, does it mean His bride must be going through the hardship before rapture?

05 August 2012/ I prayed for the scripture we just had studied, that reminded us of Paul, he could endure because he had hope for the day of Jesus Christ. I told God, how great it is to meet Paul in the rapture. God showed a half-transparent bride floating in the air and receiving five stars that was from a rainbow.

25 August 2012/ I thanked God for the scripture Paul wrote by the Holy Spirit. God showed Paul dragging a bunch of cans walking on a road, he seemed to be proclaiming something, a flock was following him. It reminded us of Baptise John. Was Paul proclaiming Jesus' second coming?

14 November 2012/ This vision appeared before I prayed. My friend said that he saw a great white arch with white flowers and bell decoration first, and then the hall and the long red carpet, the rows of guests in white robes, at last he saw the bride and the bridegroom with the page boys and flower girls approaching. I think that this wedding day is imminent!!!

09 December 2012/ I told God, more non-Christians were talking about the doomsday of 2012, we Christians realize that no one knows the day, if You really come as soon as like this, please give vision for encouragement. God showed a gentleman wearing formal dress in white with a pearl white cross pendant on it who was inside a luminous white covering. And a bright light was shining with a star upon this. It reminds me of that Jesus is the morning star. Our bridegroom has already been right there!!!

19 December 2012/ A traditional Chinese bride's crown. Yesterday I shared my testimony with a brother whom I met first time. He told me that he had heard Jesus said to him in voice, "I am coming soon to judge this world!"

19 December 2012/ I prayed for all Christians for being alert. God showed a creature wearing a Chinese bride's crown eating in a fold. It looked like a sheep, a pig and a cow mixed. I guess God's meaning: Many of us are not totally like sheep but God still never forsake us.

14 February, 2013/ I told God, our loving God, Lord Jesus, our lover, bridegroom, Your love to us is perfect. God showed His hands giving us a beautiful red rose with root. I think the meaning: Jesus' precious blood is His perfect love to us.

05 September 2013/ God's Love is so wonderful to us. When we are willing to come to Him, He will do the wonder for us. Today is Rosh Hashanah 5774, I prayed for many, let us clean ourselves and keep holy to get ready for Him. God showed Christ's wedding being in His Sanctuary. All were in white, a white column, a pair of white eagle wings, white Throne with bright light.