Chondra M (29 Sep 2013)
"Gino: Re: Jim Bramlett: 09.23.13: historical perspective"


Gino: Re: Jim Bramlett: 09.23.13: historical perspective

You may get this response already, but just in case… my disclaimer; I could be wrong, am always learning!

Me thinks GOD created earth in 6 days, 7th rest, to establish ‘time’ and what was to happen in the future, how long man would be on earth before Jesus returned to rule and reign.

GOD has no “time”, everything is eternal. GOD created ‘time’ for man, for our days, weeks, years so we would have a measure. (also the gospel is in the stars and can be seen based on the earth rotation over GOD created ‘time’).

Six days to work and one day of rest, 7 days, makes a week

2 Peter 3:8, But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

Eternal time for us, would seem never ending (as it is), a thousand years for us is a Day in God’s eternal time.

GOD created earth/man in 6 days and rested on the 7th meaning we have total 6 thousand years before the return of Christ and the 7th year (thousandth), Jesus rests, but rules and reigns for 1000 years.

GOD is not random; every tiny word/action has meaning and usually dual meaning.


God Bless!