Tammy (21 Sep 2012)
"The 1111 everyone is seeing and Obamacare"

I just wanted to post a quick little note I know that people all over the world are seeing the numbers 111 or 11:11 jump out at them through clocks, license plates and such. I happen to be watching a video today on Youtube (link posted below) about the Obamacare RFID Chip. And The number on the top hand left of the  Page jumped out at me. 
111th Congress
1st Session
(111+1) 1111
Now go to the youtube marker minute 1:21 you will see  section B of approx., page 1501 of the Obama Care manual. Now here what I seethat the medical RFID implant is called a class (III) medical device and may include a class (II) medical device. Yes that is the Roman Numeral for three but it is also visually appears as I I I now what is interesting is that this is laid out in Section B Paragraph labled (I) AND PARAGRAPH (II) the reoccurances of the (III's) is very interesting to me.  Especially since this is refering to what might later be the Mark of the Beast at its' earliest stages.
The video will get into what is a class (II) medical device...which is an RFID chip.
Original document link per the website below
