Tammy (21 Sep 2012)
"Dream of Coming Destruction on Christmas"

I wanted to share this dream because it was so vivid and real to me. I woke up so alarmed I wanted to cry.
I had two dreams I will give you the later dream first.
It was Christmas morning on the east coast about 5:30 or 6 in the morning. My family was just waking up to open presents when I had the sudden desire to go look at the stars as I often do in Wonder of God. I have a habit of doing this these days honestly in hopes of catching a glimpse of something amazing. Well in the dream I step outside it is still dark. I can see above me the clear night sky the stars are sparkling bright such a sense of Christmas Peace inside me, and then I begin to notice that the stars are moving not all of them just a few . I realized I was looking at a commercial plane it was over a city skyline in the far distance before me. (Still dark out) You could only make out the plane by the lights it emitted. Creating a glimmer of its form. Then I saw the planes release from its cargo hold a rocket it falls into the city...an explosion goes off. My heart is racing. I then see another plane just like the first except this one dives nose first into a neighbor hood just off to my left about 10 or so miles away. I see three more fly overhead towards a town in a country each dropping like rockets or dropping a rocket. I run in to tell my daughter's father, he runs outside looks at the sky runs back in the house and prepares our children for departure. I am near a gas station/convenience store I know that I better get gas since I am on a half a tank before chaos breaks out and the money is shut off as well as the gas. I go to the gas station. Their are families of middle eastern descent out on their lawns and lawn chairs looking up at the night sky rejoicing that this is happening (while they have a TV in their yard to catch the footage). They knew this was coming and they were happy we were going to suffer in fear as they have suffered. Just then I turned back to pump gas to hear gun shots ring out. There was a riot of American citizens storming this gas station owned by those families on the lawn. I could not get gas. I turned back home. I passed a car who had driven away with a gas pump still attached to it...obviously from pulling away fast without paying for gas. I am at home I run in to tell my family that we have been struck on American soil. My Aunt who lives in Nevada comes out of her room in the dream and is half asleep I warn her to warn my Uncle. Who should have known before me except he was asleep and his IPOD and I Phone were off. I turn to my child's father we run to the car holding our two kids in fear for our lives and the change we know is coming. We know we are to head north to My Father's House.  End of the latter part of the dream.
1st part of Dream
Day before Christmas Eve celebrating it with a lady I barely know she is preparing for Christmas and has bought tons of gifts and decorations. I am unprepared to give her a quality gift so I give her Oreo cookies in the form of a heart locket. The center is a pure white Oreo cream heart. (who knows right). Well I want to go outside to see the snow but I notice that it is falling thick and heavy and some of the snow is so thick it is the size of a child's snow ball but with little white ends to it almost like the shape of a hot air balloon. These particular snowballs were coming down in the same formation fighter jets take in the sky...triangular.
end of that dream immediately brought to the second one mentioned above.
I am not certain if this is a dream of prophetic origin for the fate of mankind in this nation since I have been praying for the Lord to show me things to come or just a dream for myself but nonetheless this is a warning dream. Here is what I can gather first off...If this is prophetic
We are attacked on the East Coast first around 6 am the west coast will be sound asleep when this happens (thus my aunt from Nevada being woken up with the news). Christmas is the ultimate time of Peace and Safety and then sudden destruction comes. It will affect those in the cities, suburbs, country towns and great distances...all will feel it. Many will die, riots will break out convenience has come to an end! Turn from your sins and be prepared to leave in a hurry! The sign will be strange weather patterns ( thus the snowballs from the first part of the dream).  I also wonder if these do not represent soldiers in formation possibly (Russian/Siberian).
Like I said I am not sure if this is grand scale or not but wanted to share.