Steve Mullin (14 Sep 2012)
"Joe Brandt's 1937 Dream of Los Angeles"

I really don't want to sound like an alarmist, but I've had recurring dreams about huge waves bombarding San Diego. I guess my advice would be to pray to the Lord about what's real and accurate and what is from Him. I've actually had the same dreams from different points of view and it's scary. Over and over I can remember thinking that I had to get inland to the north and to the east about 60-80 miles. I remember thinking about Anaheim from overhead. I was shocked in my dreams how some would think they were safe a few miles inland, but I knew I had to keep going much further. I've heard the dream before, but I want to re-post it for those who haven't heard it. I believe it will come to pass in time and is being revealed by the Lord.

. At the end of the video, the preacher does mention San Diego multiple times which seemed to be a confirmation to me, but we'll see.

Steve Mullin