Ruby (28 Sep 2012)
"October surprise?"


Hello John,

I have looked at your website from time to time over the past several years, more so recently.

There is a set of prophecies that I came across around 2003, by a man named (Bishop) John Koyle. (you can find information about him on the internet).  He was born in 1864 and died in the 1940s, and lived in Utah.  He had the gift of dreams etc and the majority of his prophecies have already come to pass (the rest seem to be future).  His prophetic gifts threatened other people and he was bad mouthed by most of the LDS hierarchy of his day (that's why probably 99% of Mormons have never heard of him).  He was told by God to never personally write anything down (perhaps because his enemies would alter his writings) but others that listened to him did take notes. One of his main prophecies in regards to the last days and the collapse, was that in the Fall, on the weekend when the banking holiday falls on a Monday (and he did not specify if it would be a regularly scheduled banking holiday or one scheduled all of a sudden), that one would wake up in the
 morning, and all the utilities would be shut off (for a very long time).  The only regularly scheduled banking holiday in the actual Fall is Columbus Day.

For the past 3 years, I have looked to see if this date lines up with any Hebrew festivals.  Last year I think that Yom Kippur lined up, this year it looks like Shmini Atzeret lines up with Columbus Day (with Sukkot during part of that weekend).  Shmini Atzeret is the 8th day (i.e. the day after the 7 days of Sukkot/Feast of Tabernacles ends).  I have heard that one of the Hebrew nicknames of Shmini Atzeret is, The Great and Last Day.  I do not know for sure if this is true. 

I myself did have a dream several years ago that martial law and Nazi-hearted people/military come to kill people at the "end of the work week"  (could this symbolize the end of the economy?). 

Anyways, this "lights out" scenario lines up with a few other Christian people that have dreamed this or had a vision.

I also had a brief dream in the first week of this past August; I heard a voice, it said "[in] 2-3 months, War."  I have been nervous ever since and feel the need to do more spiritual examination as well as physically prepare myself for whatever the Lord sees fit to come into my life, whether it is to help myself and my family, or anybody else.

I know that the people on your group believe in a pre-trib rapture, I myself am open to all sorts of possibilities being true and am still continuing to ask God for understanding.

Thanks for sharing, Ruby.