Rofa (15 Sep 2012)
"spare time"


Hello Doves,

Do you remember the picture of Nicole Poon, of a clown looking at himself in a mirror? 
It was during the London Olympics when she got this picture, on July 30, 2012:  

Next to the mirror is a scale 0,4,8,12,17,27

Nicole asked the Lord for the meaning, but the answer He gave to her was not clear enough for Nicole.
Also the people who responded to the picture did not precisely know what it meant.

Well, I think I have an idea of what it could mean.. I'm not sure, but I have this idea:

green part: 0, 4, 8, 12 = August 4, 2012 (in Europe we write: 4 August 2012)

green part till 17: add 17 days toe Augustus 4, 2012 = August 21, 2012 

Then the red part starts, and it ends with number 27: add 27 days to August 21 and you will stop at September 17, 2012. 
Rosh Hashanah!!

Perhaps (and I can almost cry when I write this) the red part means the spare time we live in...
But I don't know if that's the meaning of the numbers on the scale. 
It is just what I am thinking right now. Please forgive me if I'm wrong (but I'm not I'm afraid..). 
We'll see.. the weekend is almost over... and then we will see what September 17 will bring into this world...

Blessings everyone and let's worship our God: Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ!
Heads up!

Love, Rofa