Rene (28 Sep 2012)
"to Renee M. and Rapture on Tabernacles"

I am so excited about your studies on Tabernacles for a rapture date, especially since Jesus told his Bride that we would be hidden in his PAVILION during the day of God's wrath!!! A Pavilion is just a hiding place much like the little booths that they enter or the Sukkot on Tabernacles! Also, they often use vines and BRANCHES to make the sukkat and to cover it -- and Jesus said that HE is the vine and we are the branches. We are to stay beneath his "wings"! If we are in the Sukkot and our BRANCH covers us, we are beneath the wings of our beloved!
Jesus TABERNACLED in the flesh and I have always believed that he was BORN on Tabernacles! This would mean that He would have been conceived around the time of the Feast of Lights in December! How appropriate because he came as the LIGHT OF THE WORLD! Perhaps we are NOT far off celebrating Him Dec 25th, if indeed that is the period of time when he was conceived! Jesus also commands us as Christians to enter into our prayer closets or "chambers," where we commune with Him - our prayer closet or "chamber" is like a little sukkat!
Also, your comment about the History Channel's alien program reminded me of what Jonathan Kleck has been saying all along - that this is probably how our disappearance will be explained away! The SIGNS of the apocalypse are everywhere! Pastor Paul Begley points them out on a regular basis. How much plainer can God make His warnings to this world?!!! I am so sick of this sin-cursed world and eagerly awaiting the day that Jesus will vanquish all his enemies! I believe that even now as I write this, that the enemies of Christ are plotting behind the scenes for our ultimate destruction!