Rene (27 Sep 2012)
"re: Nicole's New Baby and chips in mom and baby's bracelets"

As far as them putting a chip in your baby's bracelet (or yours), they are beefing up security in hospitals because people walk in and walk out with someone's baby in their arms! There will come a day (SOON), however,  when the chips are going to physically go under the skin of all NEWBORNS, just like they are now giving newborns hepatitis vaccines because the vaccine companies pushed for it to enrich their coffers, and because they couldn't get the druggies in to vaccinate them. They figured that they had a "captive audience" in the little ones (oh, let's vaccinate all the newborns! never mind that it will kill several of them, or maim them for the rest of their lives - if 200 are saved, we can sacrifice ten!) Look for more of this madness to take over society. Soon, the drug companies will be pushing for all NEWBORNS to get the Gardasil vaccine even though this vaccine alone has crippled or killed hundreds of young girls who received it!
This type of total madness will go on until someone finally says STOP and puts an end to it! And that may NOT happen until Jesus' reign of righteousness takes over! 