Randy (21 Sep 2012)
"re:  My Website:    www.2012RoshHashanahRapture.com ......"

People Commenting have NAGGED me (lol)  into keeping the site open for a while....seems they enjoy posting comments there.
So....while I am NOT RE-Setting Dates for the Rapture.......  I am still watching for the Rapture.
Could it still be during our Fall Jewish Feasts in 2012?   Could be...  (I HOPE SO!!)
Could it still be TIED to the Israeli attack on Iran.....and God's protective hand to 'save" Israel from destruction once the missilles start flying?  could be......
I will still try to do a MONDAY Blog Update........until (and if) that activity peters out over time.  Hey, I don't write the blog for MY own health you know......  lol.....
TICK TOCK.......................