Patrick Jensen (14 Sep 2012)
"Thank You John"


Dear John;
  Thank you so very much for continuing to provide a place for the watchers and the hopeful to meet here at the Five Doves. It has meant so much for me to get to know people like Randy, Frank, Carol, Barry, Jim, Paul and so many others who share the same vision and longing. Thank you, John!! I hope we don't have to continue into the October column, but if we do, we do!!
 Witnessing has been so very strange. How can so many people not care?? How can so many people say they are not ready to leave here because they have unfinished business that is more important than being with Jesus?? How is it that so many Christian friends have such scattered and different focus regarding their belief and so very few have their armor on and are grounded by the Word??
 I hope we get out of here soon, because it looks like all hell is about to break loose while America's commander-in-chief is a deliberate failure.
Thanks, Patrick!