Ola Ilori (21 Sep 2012)
"The Last Day of the Feast of Tabernacles - Tuesday the 9th of October 2012 - Possible Rapture Date!""

Hi Doves,
The rapture didn't occur on Rosh Hashana, which fell on Tuesday the 18th of September 2012, as we expected it to.
The Last Trumpet did indeed sound, however, the dead saints did not rise and the living saints did not get translated!
This can only mean that the Lord's resurrection/translation power must now be poured out on the saints,for an additional 21 Days, starting from Wednesday the 19th of September 2012!
We should now expect the rapture to occur on the Last Day [22nd of Tishri] of the Feast of Tabernacles!
This falls on Tuesday the 9th of October 2012.
I believe the Lord's resurrection/translation is poured out on the saints in multiples of 3 Days, adding up to a total of 21 Days.
Also on each of these days a different Trumpet will sound!
This means that the Last Trumpet will sound for an additional 7 Days after Tuesday the 18th of September 2012.
First Trumpet: Wednesday the 19th of September 2012.
Second Trumpet: Thursday the 20th of September 2012.
Third/Last Trumpet: Friday the 21st of September 2012.
First Trumpet: Saturday the 22nd of September 2012.
Second Trumpet: Sunday the 23rd of September 2012.
Third/Last Trumpet: Monday the 24th of September 2012.
First Trumpet: Tuesday the 25th of September 2012.
Second Trumpet: Wednesday the 26th of September 2012.
Third/Last Trumpet: Thursday the 27th of September 2012 [Day of Atonement]
First Trumpet: Friday the 28th of September 2012.
Second Trumpet: Saturday the 29th of September 2012.
Third/Last Trumpet: Sunday the 30th of September 2012.
First Trumpet: Monday the 1st of October 2012.
Second Trumpet: Tuesday the 2nd of October 2012.
Third/Last Trumpet: Wednesday the 3rd of October 2012.
First Trumpet: Thursday the 4th of October 2012.
Second Trumpet: Friday the 5th of October 2012.
Third/Last Trumpet: Saturday the 6th of October 2012.
First Trumpet: Sunday the 7th of October 2012.
Second Trumpet Monday the 8th of October 2012.
Third/Last Trumpet Tuesday the 9th of October 2012 [Last Day of the Feast of Tabernacles and the Day of the resurrection and translation of the saints]
"In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the LAST TRUMPET. For the TRUMPET will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and WE SHALL BE CHANGED." [1Cor.15:52]