Neil Lipken (15 Sep 2012)
"Moon Phases Calendar / Moon Schedule----------new moon to begin the Jewish New Year most likely to be spotted on MONDAY evening."

Well, everyone, take a look at this chart.  From this it looks like the most likely evening for the new moon to be spotted in Israel is MONDAY.  That would place "true" Rosh Hashanah on Tuesday till sundown.  Tuesday happens to be exactly one week after 9/11, the day the U.S. Libyan ambassador was assasinated and the day in which the Arab rage began.  Humm.  7 days from 9/11 to 9/18, which could be "true" Rosh Hashanah.  It just so happens that the coming of the Son of Man is JUST LIKE the days of Noah (Matt. 24:37).  In Genesis 7:4 we find that Noah received a 7 day warning on the flood.  Noah knew the flood was coming for a long time, but 7 days before he received confirmation!  It also just so happens that by Jewish tradition Tuesday in the week is the "classic Jewish wedding day".

We certainly do not live in boring times!  If we had been born in Scotland in the year 1300 AD, we would have simply herded sheep for 70 years.
