Nando (14 Sep 2012)
"The Dow 13,333.335 up +9.99 (09/12/12)"


The Dow 13,333.335 up +9.99 (09/12/12)

I just looked in MSNBC and the DOW just closed with very significant numbers.
As you know the 333 and the related three’s are occult and masonic numbers so on 9/12/12 which are full of 3′s this is the DOW. The # 999 is a lot of 3′s plus it is the end or judgement.
Updated: 09/12/2012 05:08 ET
DOW 13,333.35 +9.99
NASDAQ 3,114.31 +9.78
S&P 1,436.56 +3.00