Mike Curtiss (27 Sep 2012)
"Five Signs for Five Doves-Thank You Lord Jesus"


Daily Doom Antidote: —Five Clues Obama is Losing —
Dear Doves,

Today I want to take a look at a few things that clearly indicate Barack Obama is losing the presidential race (despite what you might be reading.
Over the weekend alone, I spotted Five Things That Democrats Would NOT Be Doing Unless Obama Was Losing.

1. Michelle Obama is out race-baiting referring to slavery, and attempting to motivate depressed black voters by stirring up race-hate and grievances. This is not what a winning campaign does.
..when they are losing BADLY they direct all energy towards motivating the base…and the way to do that is to stir up every separate voting bloc in the Left’s coalition by WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY. Michelle’s out there invoking racism and slavery...

2. Look at Barack Obama. Just look at him. This is not a man who looks like he thinks he’s winning. This is the kind of look people have on their faces when they stay awake night and day wondering if tomorrow is the day the Sheriff will knock on their door to evict them from their homes. He looks terrified.
He has no idea what to do. He doesn’t understand why his old magic is not working. The crowds are tiny. No one wants to hear the old “soaring speeches”...

3. Jim Messina is now claiming “polls don’t matter” and that Obama is secretly winning. When a Democrat starts saying polls don’t matter, they are losing big time. The polls the media picks and chooses are all rigged to benefit Democrats. ...

4. At the Emmys last night, a very loud contingent of people cheered Mitt Romney when asked if they’d vote for him. Consider the fact that the Emmys are held in Hollywood, and everyone there is a California resident. In 2008, there would not have been a single person in that auditorium cheering McCain’s name...

5. Occupy Unmasked is the #1 political documentary on Amazon right now. It’s released on dvd tomorrow. People are clamoring to see it. They are clamoring to see The Hope and the Change, 2016: Obama’s America, ... Is there anything similar on the Democrat side of things in terms of enthusiasm? Anything anti-Obama is flying off the shelves…but pro-Obama merchandise collects dust and is marked down to 25% of its original cost. This is not what happens in a winning campaign.

Americans are sick of the media’s pro-Obama bias, to the point where they are not turning on the media because of it. The Left’s hold on power is crumbling before our eyes...

                                                  Mike Curtiss