Mari (14 Sep 2012)
"A couple of dreams"


On the night of 9/11 i dreamt that i was watching a video on online.It was about the political democratic party hiding a truth.It was about a disaster that was going to happen and they didnt't want to reveal it.It was revealed though and i was watching and listening to that secret on line.I was listening to the hidden information and i realize it was a prophecy that they were hiding.I cant reproduce the exact words but i'll line up the general ideea and the nature of the words. It was like this:
"Destruction is imminent!The Day of the Lord is at hand!Prepare for His Day,it's a day of revenge, a dark day!"After that as a continuation is a part that i remember very well because that's how the dream ended. ." you may be found hidden in the hidden day".
When i woke up i looked in the prophecies of the Bible and i realised that the book of Zephaniah fits the best the words used in my dream.

"use discernement"
Blessings, MARI