Lydia F (28 Sep 2012)
"President Obama has overstepped his authority ~ Maurice Sklar"

I don't recall seeing this posted to 5 Doves. I wonder if we are starting to see the fulfillment of this prophecy. 

April 2, 2012.  A prophecy received by Maurice Sklar. 
Dear Friends,
This evening, while watching the news concerning the Supreme Court and Obama's recent rants against them, the Lord spoke to me and said:
    "Pride goes before a fall.  President Obama has overstepped his authority, and I will humble and judge him before the entire nation."

I have never heard the Lord speak to me concerning His judging Obama.
    I did hear the Lord speak to me that HE was judgment on America when he [Obama] was elected.

BUT ... God's people have been obeying 2nd Chronicles 7:14 to humble ourselves and pray ... and GOD IS ANSWERING!

I am telling you by the Holy Spirit ...
    Obama's days are numbered.Just watch what happens now ... there has been a victory in the Spirit, and there may yet be a turn of the tide concerning America.
    I pray that God would give us a little more time.

This is the first encouraging word I have had about America in a long time.  Praise the Lord!

I was instructed also to release this word immediately, so ... I have done so.  Amen.

Maurice Sklar